Droopy plant! Watering issues?


Active Member
Hey guys!

Got these 3 MK Ultra clones 2 days ago in rockwool. Brought them home and put them under 6 x 15 watt CFLs at 3-4 inch distance from the light. Watered a couple times a day till rockwool is moist (to touch).

But today, I woke up and found my baby girl looking like this....


What do you guys think?


Active Member
How does your soil feel? Thats what my plants looked like last summer after I had neglected to water them while I was gone on a vacation...

Also...is that tin foil in there?! Get that out of there! It could be creating hot spots that little clones do not want!!!


Active Member
ive kept the rockwool moist since ive got the clones... so i dont think its underwatering. and yeah im changing my whole set up today.... GOT A GROWLAB 40 for my little baby girls. =D


Active Member
How does your soil feel? Thats what my plants looked like last summer after I had neglected to water them while I was gone on a vacation...

Also...is that tin foil in there?! Get that out of there! It could be creating hot spots that little clones do not want!!!
just wondering, but why would tin foil be bad?


Active Member
creates hot spots and doesnt reflect light well....

stick to white paper or white paint or mylar!


Active Member
I mixed a teaspoon ( about 1/4 strength) of plant food (10-10-10) into my 1-gallon watering container. Not sure what my pH is exactly, but I do know that I have soft water (?). I am going to pick up a pH testing kit pretty soon. I watered these clones about 3 times a day.


Well-Known Member
found out that my ph was around 7.15.... any suggestions on how to lower it other than pH down?
lemon juice or vinegar works. But you can get a bottle of ph down for about 10 bux and it will work much better. Rockwool, especially with small plants, only needs to be watered every other day or even every 3rd day. Weight is the best indicator, if it is constantly heavy your drowning your roots and your foliage is showing it. Get your ph down to 5.8-6.2 ideally. Also a slight breeze will do wonders for your plants. Get a small oscillating fan blowing in the area gently. You don't want to shake them to death, but increased airflow + higher humidity helps them 'breathe' better. Check out my sig if your curious to see what a diff just adding a fan can make. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the helpful info man!
I didn't notice those were 2 day old clones before. When cloning you want to remove most of the large fan leaves, leaving maybe the best 6 leaves. If you don't, the plant has a difficult time supporting all those leaves. Cones also need very high humidity, 70-90% is ideal, because they do not have developed roots for water. Misting Once or twice a day not in direct light is also important. Oh and it can take up to 20 days to root from clones also. You should check into a cloning guide to give you a better idea of everything you should do.