Droopy leaves.....


Active Member
Hello everyone, I am wondering what is wrong with these girls. It did get up to 87.8 in the room, the fan isnt hooked up to timer and forgot it. Anyway its back down to 82.3 now and I am wondering is this droopy leaf from heat or over water. Its been 4 days from last watering, you would think I would see this about a day after watering, not sure. Anyone have any ideas?



Well-Known Member
doubt it is the heat, how old is ur plant, doesnt look particularly droopy to me, after all it is a very heavy leafed plant. she looks bushy, very nice. and if ur not watering but every 3-4 days, there is definitely no overwatering problem. i think ur worry about nothing.


Active Member
These are going on 3 weeks not counting the seedling week. And this isnt the bushy one, The other one is growing branches off the branches already. Fox Farm Ocean Forest ROCKS!!! no nuts yet. Not sure if I will even give them anything till flowering.


Well-Known Member
the leaves aiming up and folding in half = too much heat sometimes.
The leaves drooping after waterings = a tad too much watering but it's fine.

Your plants look good, just adjust accordingly


Well-Known Member
its also nice to keep track of your ph level and adjust accordingly, for soil its between 6.5 and 7, for coco 5.5. and 6.5, and for hydro you can keep it around 5.5. its really strain and medium dependent but ph can diagnose most deficiencies.


Active Member
I am watching ph that is 7. When would you add nuts.? I haven't used any yet what would you recommended?


Well-Known Member
u said they were going on week 3, not counting what u refer to as the seedling week...so actually ur going into ur 4th week of veg, so yes u can definitely start with 1/4 strength nutes every 3rd watering.

Chicago Gooner

Active Member
I'm in the midwest, the temps are coming significantly down at night, my plants which are pretty much a week younger than yours look exactly the same early in the morning before the 400HPS comes on (I check before I leave for work) but they come back up rather quickly once the light comes on. Are yours droopy all the time? Did you feed them when you transplanted from the cup?