droopy leaves


Active Member
Can anyone help me with these weltering plants.... My buddy wants to plant these outdoors but wants this problem solved before doing so.

Any help would be great




Active Member
Those plants are grown in fox farm O.F. watered 20oz of water every 4 days. 2 gallon pots / plant. Kinda of humid conditions from what I hear


Well-Known Member
well..how moist is the soil..shouldnt really go off every 4 days water..you need to use a mositure meter or your finger to feel if its dry a few inches down..


Active Member
well..how moist is the soil..shouldnt really go off every 4 days water..you need to use a mositure meter or your finger to feel if its dry a few inches down..
Yeah when I was takin pictures for my friend i told him that he shouldn't have water collecting in the trays. the pot is really heavy so I'm thinking there is a lot of water in the soil.

but can anyone confirm that the droopy leaves are a result of too much water?


Well-Known Member
im almost 100% positive tthats overwatering..if there is water collecting in the trays that just as bad as it being in the pot..dump that shit..your gonna get root rot..also check your draining


it looks like a deficiancy of some sort or too much water, im not a plant doctor anything but my opinon im guessing it could be a couple things. Could be watering... 20oz of water every 4 days?
so are saying that he only feeds every 4 days? or that in a total of 4 days it gets 20oz of water? when i water i just stick my finger in the soil an inch deep and if its pretty dry ill give it enough to soak about 4 inches deep. i do it by guesstamating but maybe tell him to get a moisture meter if he dont already have one. then i wait again til it dry's and just repeat and leave it up to the plants to show me how much there drinking. if you leave the roots to dry up in the soil to long theyll shrivel up and and die but too much water you can get root rot which is pretty self explainatory lol either or will cause your plant to look shrivled.
so you just gotta find a happy medium between the plant and planter :)
What kinda lighting is it? cfls? mh? how much does he have or how does it put out? how many plants are under that light? some plants are greedy and steal the spotlight, leaving the others to sit in its shadow and die
hope this helped or gave you some questions to think on


Active Member
it looks like a deficiancy of some sort or too much water, im not a plant doctor anything but my opinon im guessing it could be a couple things. Could be watering... 20oz of water every 4 days?
so are saying that he only feeds every 4 days? or that in a total of 4 days it gets 20oz of water? when i water i just stick my finger in the soil an inch deep and if its pretty dry ill give it enough to soak about 4 inches deep. i do it by guesstamating but maybe tell him to get a moisture meter if he dont already have one. then i wait again til it dry's and just repeat and leave it up to the plants to show me how much there drinking. if you leave the roots to dry up in the soil to long theyll shrivel up and and die but too much water you can get root rot which is pretty self explainatory lol either or will cause your plant to look shrivled.
so you just gotta find a happy medium between the plant and planter :)
What kinda lighting is it? cfls? mh? how much does he have or how does it put out? how many plants are under that light? some plants are greedy and steal the spotlight, leaving the others to sit in its shadow and die
hope this helped or gave you some questions to think on
They are given any nutes... he was told that Foxfarm has all the nutes u need right in the soil. I think he is taking them outside, but right now they're under a 60w cfl 24 hours and the big guys are getting 20 oz of water about 3 times every two weeks (about every 4 days). The arrangement in my opinion is killing the success rate. He has a bunch of little guys in a tray and three big guys.... they all need to go outside and he should start over -that's just my opinion though

Here is the setup... its in a closet and very humid.... Its nicer than what i got (which is nothing) but there is def room for improvement -like taking them outside...

The little guys



Well-Known Member
take the foil off the pot, it will be holding moisture in
have you got good airflow in the room? this is critical for healthy growth
what is the humidity at? too high can cause same symptoms as over watering, plants wont use as much water from the pots since the leaves are getting it from the air.
more airflow will lower the humidity.



Active Member
2 of my 10 plants were looking droopy. I transplanted them into larger pots and they were perking up within 1 day.

so...whether the problem with mine was over watering or they were rootbound...transplanting definitely made the difference.

I suggest you take them outside ASAP.



what i meant when i said feeding i meant watering not nutes, my bad choice of words but yea hes defintly killing the success rate. he should be watering a little over twice a day and not much at time! enough make the soil damp/wet all the way through if youve got run off that means its soaked all the way through plus more which is bad like the other dude said you need to get that excess water outta the tray also when the water is exposed to light thats bad too! it makes it a perfect breeding ground for bac. and algae. and my humidty sits about 30% most days but changes. excess water in your tray will also cause your humidty to go up. if i was watering thems i would give the drooper one 5 shot glass of water in the a.m and then 3 more in the p.m. and keep adding another shot glass once you can start seeing some life again. hard to over water that way! you gotta think in hydro setups most plants get watered 3 times a DAY! works the same for soil except the soil will retain oyur water for you which in turn makes it need less watering. and whos to say when he transplants outside the plants to weak to live outside? two things could happen it could die or it could suprise everyone and takeoff like mad just a chance he'd be taking. Or he could bring that one back to life indoors and then transplant outside giving him a better success rate.


Well-Known Member
yo blazintider!

wait.... so the only lighting source for all these plants is 1- 60watt CLF?

and i would also recommend removing the foil as well, can actually burn the plants foilage, unless its the dull side of the foil, but it still has a horrible reflective rate.

also yes.. you should always make sure after watering you take care of any extra "spillage." obviously you know water that just sits there adds moisture/humidity to the air. removing any unneeded water from the room shall help reduce the humid control.

def should add a fan as well, thats how they take breaths!

as far as the over watering..? 20 oz to each plant every 4 days seems like so litttle. so im guessing the room is cooler on the temp scale??

whats your T&RH at?

have any of the 3 biggies shown sex??

sorry so many questions jsut need to know acouple que's !

peace crip


Well-Known Member
usually i would say droopy leaves = needs to be watered

but in your case i think you are over nuteing it. how often do you feed it?


Active Member
They just entered Veg... No Nutes. My friend may add Tiger Bloom Booster in the fall, but he wants to stay all natural for as long as possible. My friend HATES chemicals, organic or not.


Well-Known Member
They just entered Veg... No Nutes. My friend may add Tiger Bloom Booster in the fall, but he wants to stay all natural for as long as possible. My friend HATES chemicals, organic or not.
looks like you overwatered it, dont water it for a bit... it should perk up.