Droopy leaves/Purpling stems


Well-Known Member
Hey All! I’ve got a bruce banner #5 from clone.

It’s currently under a 300w dr growrite “full spectrum” led with a 2x2 T5 supplement light in a 2x2 space. The led is about 12in from canopy and T5 is vertical.
Temps: high 77 low 70 Rh 50% pretty steady

Grow medium: FFOF mixed with FF happy frog and vermiculite.
I think I overwatered a couple times so trying to let it dry out to see if it perks up, so far it’s been 7 days since last watering. Top layer of soil is pretty dry but pot still has some weight to it. This is my first time using LEDs, I’ve used mh/hps in the past and never had this problem. Any thoughts on what the issue could be? 4F8E4C5A-DE57-4E06-AD8C-7BBE4BFD2307.jpeg


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