New Member

This is an unknown strain that I got as a freebie from a seed purchase, 11 days into the flower cycle.
This is the second time that I am growing this strain and both times the leaves start drooping when I put the plants into flower.
The leaves are nice and perky and will get more and more droopy as the plant stretches.
The last time the leaves started to show some general nutrient deficiency 2 weeks into flower and after removing some of the yellowed and damaged leaves and upping the PPMs the plant perked up and yielded a decent amount of bud.
This time I am feeding at higher PPMs from day 1 and its still drooping.
I've ruled out overwatering as a cause.
Is there anything else that I should be looking at?
Here are the details of the grow:
3x3 sealed enclosure
12/12 400 watts 4000K Samsung LED lighting
temp and humidity controlled 25C lights on, 19C lights off, humidity 60% day and night
CO2 @ 1000ppm
3 liter pots, 100% coco, Plant-Prod MJ Bloom nutrients @1650 PPM (200ppm of that is calmag) ph 5.8, generic SiO2 supplement.
4 plants, 2 feet tall, topped.