droopy leaves,I NEED help?

so I just planted some bag seeds. 9 days ago everything was going good then I went to work. 6 hrs. later an now my leaves are drooping bad. Im using foxfarm original with 400watt mh. I watered it really good when I planted it then let it dry out good then started watering every other day. I keep it on 20 hrs light an 4 hrs dark, temperature high is 85.and the low is 65 the avg 77/79.



Looks like a moisture issue. If you can, get a moisture meter. You will have an exact reading. At this stage, You want the roots to stretch and search for water, but it sounds like your letting it go too long. seedlings can require water daily. You could be over watering, but those containers look small.


Well-Known Member
Looks like over watering to me. I had seedlings in rapid rooters that looked exactly like yours. Couldn't fix the problem and as a result stunted 3/3 that I had.
thanks everyone i tought it was over watering too then water one good before i ween to sleep and it perked back up any more ideas