Droopy Leaves...How Long To Recover?

General Anesthetic

Well-Known Member
Later this week the temperature hit the mid 90's and 2 of my 15 Super Silver Haze plants are showing signs of stress. I realize that I should have given them extra water during this period and now the leaves are droopy. When I realized the problem this morning I watered everybody heavily. This has happened to me before with my indoor grows and the problem usually resolves itself with a little care in about 1 or 2 days. Since this is my first outdoor grow, how should I expect for the plants to recover?


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
They should be fine, let them soak all that up. They should perk back up by end of day. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Yeah, relax...outside plants adapt well and show you more whats wrong..it probably just starting saving energy..you've watered and that should work.... you may lose some leaves, but no big deal... I used to get a kick out of watching the plant after it wanted water.... you can almost see the leaves react... Luck


Well-Known Member
yeah, after a feeding/watering, the plants usually show immediate signs of how it will react... start to droop, perk up, start drying out, leaves curling etc.