Droopy leaves but looks healthy


Well-Known Member
Transplanted 4- 12"to 15" plants from indoors to outdoors into F.F.O.F. + perlite+ powdered dolomite lime. Soil ph is 7.0. Plants were in coco soil medium... 1 gal. pots. Watered with 7.0 ph water when transplanted. Looked pretty healthy for first 3 days, watered a little end of 3rd day. Now the leaves are wilting... Tops of plants now as bad. Soil is kinda dry on top, 2 to 3 inches deep its moist. No dis coloring or curling of leaves. Was pretty windy during these days but plants still stand up, stem is about pencil size. Did I overwater? Should I let the soil dry much more? Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Also, suns been hot, about 75 to 80 tomorrow going to 90's. plants do not get constant direct sun. Shaded early in AM and later in the PM. Maybe transplant shock, overwatering, and switch from lights to sun? Just using water, no nutes yet. Soil should have plenty of nutes (FFOF) for a few weeks.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
sounds like the soil is too dry. usually, after transplanting the plant will need a little more water until the roots are settled into their new environment. GL


Well-Known Member
Just looked at plants. Noticed a bottom fan leave with yellow tip, looking dry and thin. Maybe when I watered I didn't water enough for newly transplanted plants, although the soil 2 to 3" is a little moist. I'm going to take a chance and give them some water today and check results tomorrow. Should I be able to notice a difference that quick?


If they have never seen sunlight before be careful only let them get a little direct sunlight at a time and then slowly transition them into direct sunlight, indoor plants are delicate and need to be transitioned from indoor to outdoor. My baby plants were started from seeds in April outside and get direct sunlight for 10 hours a day and love it, today were i live it was almost 100 degrees and the plants didnt trip at all...Goodluck bro....also only water when the pots feel light....


Well-Known Member
Some are in pots and some are in holes a least 2 to 3cu.ft. I think my problem is that I have been giving them enough water when I water. It's been pretty windy and temps are pretty high going into the 90s tomorrow. I did just gave them a good watering a few hrs ago and I've noticed them perk up a bit. Dying to see them in the AM. I've got extra clones coming tomorrow so replacements are no problem, plus I want to try to keep them small so getting them in the ground late isn't a problem. Thanks for the replies I'm sure ill need more advice... Last time I grew was back in the 70's... Boy things have changed.


Ya man good luck, not sure what soil u are using but I use either fox farm or black gold organic....


Well-Known Member
Plants were perked and looked good this AM. Must have been under watering. Been getting either cats or raccoons digging around in my soil. They don't dig much or very deep and I see no signs of droppings or urine. I've sprayed cayenne pepper and sprinkled flakes and also put small wooden sticks around perimeter. Any suggestions?


Grab a 12 pack and wait up late with a pellet gun, last season I had rabbits kill two of my plants, talk about devestation....bro I almost cried haha


Well-Known Member
Put it in a shady place that only gets about an hour or so of direct sunlight. 2-3 inches is still moist that should be fine I wouldn water I would wait to water it's wilting due to heat stress natural sun is pretty intense compared to light bulbs you wanna slowly adjust them to the light and temp. It's like throwing an albino kid outside in az mid summer there not gonna do so well but if they went out a few hours a day then within a week they could stand to be outside there real sensitive right now.


Well-Known Member
The clones were 12 to 15" not real young and had been pruned so the transition to sunlight wasn't a factor. I was under watering. It was over 100 today, gave them plenty of water and they look healthy. I thought I was overwatering because the soil was moist and because of all posting about overwatering that I read. I spoke with a very experienced grower today and was told that in my situation it would be very hard to over water... I'm not talking about pools of water around my plants but common sense watering. My plants are outside in holes about 3' deep and 2' diameter. Now this damn raccoon is my focus. I spiked down some carpet nail strips around the perimeter, waiting til tomorrow to see if this does anything. They're not bothering my plants, just pawing around in the soil a bit, but I don't want them pooping and peeing in my garden!!! Worst problem I've come across yet.


Well-Known Member
Well thank god, it's not not a raccoon it's a cat. Time to set traps. Last time I ended up trapping 5 cats in 5 days and that took care of the problem. I doubt there's more than 1 maybe 2. What a relief.


Well-Known Member
From what I heard older more mature plants can better deal with the move from lights to daylight. The grower that I got them from told me it would be no problem to put them in the ground outside right away. Anyway the transplants are doing fine, no burning and very good new growth. By the way it reached over 105 here today and all plants are standing up strong and growing rapidly. If my clones would have been younger and smaller i would have hardened them off for a week or so. If you have any info about transitioning older plants vs younger plants to sunlight I would be very interested in hearing about it. Most of this cannabis growing is new to me. As far as what pruning has do with it, I have no idea, I was just describing the plants as best as I could.