Droopy leaves at the top


Droopy leaves at the top of my plant. its about 6 weeks into veg I gave it her first dose of nutes last week and i haven't water it for 6 days and most of the leaves are droopy and curly. I thought it was overwatering after the 3rd day but it doesn't seem to revive the top area. The soil is about 3 4 inches dry and the leaves in the middle feel dry as well. :wall: any help would help. Could it be the drainage?



Update: the bottom leaves are turning yellow with some dark spots. i just watered it yesterday cuz it soil was dryer than a dried up pussy. Watered this time without the nutes. The nutes started the burnt I believe. the top leaves are still curly as fuck! im confused some help would be appreciated! =D.... :(


Well-Known Member
Try flushing your plants. They look parched for one, and if you watered and they stil look droopy, mist the leaves and flush the soil with clean room temp water to remove salt build up. That is the course of action that I would take.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Try flushing your plants. They look parched for one, and if you watered and they stil look droopy, mist the leaves and flush the soil with clean room temp water to remove salt build up. That is the course of action that I would take.
Nice info.... dont water for 6 days???? Sometimes I'd water alil bit every day, some of these love to be wet, some not as much it's crazy, hope all goes well


Well-Known Member
If you chuck every plant that ever shows a symptom, you will never learn anything....


Well-Known Member
Flush it with clean water until water is running out the bottom of the pot. You didn't say what kind of soil you have or if you have added anything to the soil mix before planting. Your water schedule seems fine, the plants like to get dry in between. Drooping leaves do not necessarily mean you have major problems, of all the years i have grown i have yet to do a plant that didn't have at least a few leaves die off or get spots on them, all the harvests were still great though.

I guess if you threw it away the next time you have a problem are you just going to give up also?

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Flush young grass smoker, when u add nutes and mix nutes make sure ur at a 1/4 strength, I mix mines n let em sit for half a day or day, and when u water em try it every 3 days,

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Well mines is a pref at 1/4 strength, jus do it lightly to help avoid some type of bad feedback, u might already do that tho, dnt kill ur ogs it's a great strain


Yesterday I ran clean water thru the top to the bottom. I'm waiting on the results. Last month I transplant it into a 3 gallon with perlite and ffof. 3 weeks after that I started to use c17 boticare nutes that the hydro store recommended. After she got her first dose she started to tripped out... the end. I got this slut when she small and ugly. I got lazy and careless about her but I understand to learn and not give up or else I wouldn't have gotten this far if I gave up. Thanks guys!


Oh great... when I mixed it... I shook the shit out of it and watered immediately.. :T FML!! Lesson learned.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Jus try everything to keep her alive, give sum affection too, they love it, sometimes it scarey wut a light caress and a talk can do, even put some music on for her from the phone, jus keep it goin, she ain't dead so do wut u can,


Matter of fact this is a mother plant.. but the tops are droopy so I'm trying to figure this shit out!

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Did u flush it through the pot n ran water out from the pot? Lots of it? See if ur shop cArries thrive alive and organicare camg... U can try using these suppliments they are organic, 1/10 of a t/sp of both works ight


Not long of water ran out of it when I did it. The plant looks like its recovering I'll give it til tomorrow to see any more changes to her. Ill keep it in mind with calmag and thrive. Thanks for the tips jammin