Droopy autos, not over watered or under watered need help


Well-Known Member
Hey all been a minute since I could open riu app. Any how, i have 4 ww autos and they were looking outstanding up till yesterday. I watered them on the 22nd then yesterday afternoon they got Droopy, so I watered them. Medium was as dry as a popcorn fart, and I mean dry! They are in 3 gallon pals with 2 inches of 3/8-3/4 grows tone chunky medium at the bottom with 5 1"square drains holes all around the bottom with 3 ,1 1/4 holes I added for good measure on the bottom of the containers. After the lights came back on they were once again happy,happy,happy! Not 24hrs later they are Droopy again. I don't get it.
Though when I removed the drainage water I noticed it was quite green, more than normally, they have gotten no nutes aside from what is in the mediums. Well that's not true i did give them a very light amount the watering before this one but they seemed happy no drooping no burning nothing. I'm going to attempt to post pics. Apparently it's not going to let me post any pics right now I will asap.
Any suggestions? Hey there's one, the ones on left are my autos they will be 4 weeks old tomorrow. They are ww from CK. The ones on right are photoperiod also from CK only white cookies, that are 5 weeks from seed.
Anyhow, that pic was from last night 1030 just before I went to bed. They looked the same when I checked this morning too around 7am. The second one i took 30 minutes ago just after the lights went out. I'm stumped.20170228_121601.jpg 20170228_121448.jpg


for autos to drop randomly is normal. only for some time like a week or two
ive always noticed huge growth when they drop then bounce back up


Well-Known Member
you need to tighten your watering schedule. you need to water them now until run off, water the sides, the middle, everywhere, put a drop of dish soap in your watering bucket to reduce surface tension.
then, wait until the pots are light, not dry like a popcorn fart though, just light, dry to the fingering, and water the same again.
temps, humidity, air quality, light quality....those are next to examine.

other than this they look pretty good!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply, I guess I'm gin shy cause this is my second grow. Last time PM got me this time it ain't gonna happen if I can help it. That and I fucked the first crop too much this time as all ive done to my photos is topped twice and lst training to keep em flat.
I did how ever water them just as you said only before you said it. I think it may have been cause I didn't let my jugs sit for 48hrs without tops before I used them to water. I was short ph balancer too so the phone may have been a little higher than what they are used to. They look happy,happy,happy again now.I'll take some more pics after i put my kids to bed. They are still young and curious as to what's in the shed. I'm a single parent and they are 6 and 9. Can't wait till they are 16 and 18 then they can help dad out till then let them wonder right.