drooping plants need help?

drugs are bad

Active Member
just wondering about whats going on with my plants, they look droopy and they show a litttle yellowing on new leafs
is this nitrogen deficiency??


Well-Known Member
Maybe, some pics would help, when was the last time that you watered them and have you used any nutes yet? how old are they. If the soil is dry up to you second knuckle then you need to water, but if the water is wet and you water often its over watered.

drugs are bad

Active Member
here are some pics.
just so you know its there 30th day in soil as of April 25th i just started giving them GENERAL HYDROPONICS
The mix when something like this
4L of water
5.0ml of floragro
2.5ml of both florabloom
2.5ml of floramicro
water them 200ml of water a day



Well-Known Member
I dont see the yellowing but they dont look like they are in need of nutes, maybe to much, thats why the top is balling up like that, atleast that was what happened with my blueberry. When you water everyday do you use nutes everytime? If so just water with nutes maybe once a week then plain water a couple times. I would water until it runs out the bottom. Make sure you let the soil dry out before you water again.


Active Member
i think you should try not watering every day. instead water them when they need it. stick your finger in the soil if its dry water if not dont.

drugs are bad

Active Member
thanks for all the help everyone they are looking better.
I gave them the nutes for the first time and they popped right back up,
i'm going to start watering every other day now and see how that goes
again thanks.