Drooping plant


Hey guys, this plant is almost 5 months old now, had a bug problem and I just got that sorted when a new one popped up. It starts dropping in the morning and perks back up when the sun's about to set in the evening around 6.30 - 7.00 pm. I thought I was overwatering the plant, I've been watering my plant everyday from two months now since it started growing very tall, it's about 3 feet tall now. But I've been watering it only when the soil dried out since a few days but it still droops, I used to move my plant to a dark place every night so I could get it to flower (no signs of flowering though) so I thought maybe the roots got shook up from the constant handling but I've left it alone from a few days now but it's still damn drooping, it does perk back up at nights without fail but I can't let it go on like this, so I'd really appreciate it if you guys could share some if your thoughts as to what can be done to stop this .

Another question can I move my plants indoor cause its going to start raining in a few weeks and it's going to be a heavy downpour with crazy winds, no way the plant can survive it , can you please tell me what me what steps should be taken to see that the plant does not die due to the sudden environment change and how many watts cfl bulb should I buy for it to grow properly? Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate it



Active Member
Looks like overwatering to me.You are suppose to water it every 3 days.... everyday will cause this to happen. try watering it every 3 days from now and make sure the temp ad humidity are alright. if it was overwatered and the roots have been damaged then idk it might be done. Good luck


Another piece of info is that it's a hot and humid summer here with high humidity
the temperature ranges from 32- 34 degrees Celsius with 60-70% humidity ...but it's been like this from a long time now and the lant seemed really healthy and resistent until last week...i'd really appreciate your thoughts on what can be done


Looks like overwatering to me.You are suppose to water it every 3 days.... everyday will cause this to happen. try watering it every 3 days from now and make sure the temp ad humidity are alright. if it was overwatered and the roots have been damaged then idk it might be done. Good luck
Thanks , i'll water it 3 times a week now, but ive been watering it everyday for months now and it looked very healthy and was growing very well until last week when this started haening...i really hoe it'll recover..and if it was over watering, is it normal for it to erk back u every night? thank you for your advice :)


Active Member
Well what i did one time and this is up to you was transplant the plant... not soil into fresh soil with perlite and it slowly recovered from it. Again this was in my case from overwatering but it looked the same as yours. You can try that otherwise i would move it to get more sunlight and hope for the best. no signs of bugs? or spiders under the leaves?


Well what i did one time and this is up to you was transplant the plant... not soil into fresh soil with perlite and it slowly recovered from it. Again this was in my case from overwatering but it looked the same as yours. You can try that otherwise i would move it to get more sunlight and hope for the best. no signs of bugs? or spiders under the leaves?
I'm really afraid that transplanting it migyt kill it, i had two one died from translanting, and the other thing is that it's getting enough sunlight, i guess i'll just reduce the rate of watering and hoe it'll revover soon, like i said, it's not gradually dying or anything, it erks u just fine at night when it's nice and cool, so i'm also thinking , it might have to do something with too much heat/direct sunlight, do you think i can kee it in the shade for a few days so it cools off for a bit?

Another thing as i mentioned before, what should i do to move the lant indoors? we're going to have heavy rainfall with winds, i'm retty sure my alnt wont survive it, i can take care of it indoors, and there's no bug problem there, do you know how many watts cfl i should get and what else i might have to do to prepare the room for the plant, cause i've heard the plant can die from shock...and i dont think i'd want that to happen after all this while, i'm planning to use an unused bathroom..i hoe it'll do and ut it through a 12/12 schedule, thanks for all your your hel, ag