Drooping leaves


She is 5 weeks old and my leaves are drooping. the bottom leaves had burn marks on them so i cut them off and i trimmed all the burned tips on most of the leaves. was that ok to do? my ph is good and i feed nutes once a week. room stays around 80. idk what the humidity is tho...any tips..first grow! IMG_20110809_162001.jpg



Well-Known Member
i would not trim burnt leaves until they are over 60 percent burnt and then i take the whole leaf off. your plants look ok i would just leave them. they might be shocked because of your trimming and strong nutrients though

Father Earth

Well-Known Member
what lighting system are you using and how close is it to your plant. Are you feeding it enough water? And how old. Thats where i would check first.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, from the pictures they look healthy bro, are they soil, hydro or what? Also, most of the time leaves droop from over-watering!


Well-Known Member
I'm with the others,burned plants are from a few things most of the time. Spraying with lights on,over feeding,nute build up in medium are the most common issues. In regards to the drooping plants don't even trip. Plants will cup when thirsty and upcurl abit when over watered. Try spraying nitrozime on the ladys right before the lights come on the bring back that vigor!
they look fine. i think nitrozime is almost the same as using epsom salt which i use in hydro or soil and foiliar feed sometimes really makes them green but i only use it 3 or 4 times maybe in a grow.


They are in soil. I am gonna transplant soon. What kind of soil mix should I use? I have 4 23 Watt cfls(6500k) over it and 3 sprouts. How long should I wait to force her into flowering? I'm getting anxious lol. She is around 5 weeks old