Drooping leaves :(


New Member
Hi there,

First time grower here so please go easy on me. I just moved my five bubba kush plants from their seeding tent to their new 5x5 tent and upgraded the light to the Spider SF-4000 light. Once I moved them to the new tent I gave them a good watering with a 2ml/L Advanced Nutrients Grow, Micro, and Bloom. The new light was put at 20" @ 50% intensity. The next day I go to check on them and there is some noticeable leaf drooping. Ive included some pics to help. My first thought was over watering however its been a few days with no change and my roots still look white (also have a pic), then I thought maybe the light was to intense so Ive lifted the height to 28" from canopy of smallest plant to light. Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated as prior to this they were growing well. Average temp in the tent is 21 Celsius and . Average RH is 58-60%. Ive been watering every 2-3 days



Well-Known Member
Raise your light! I run an SF4000 too, at that age, the light should be at least 30" above your plants. Just my experience.

Doug Dawson

Well-Known Member
Hi there,

First time grower here so please go easy on me. I just moved my five bubba kush plants from their seeding tent to their new 5x5 tent and upgraded the light to the Spider SF-4000 light. Once I moved them to the new tent I gave them a good watering with a 2ml/L Advanced Nutrients Grow, Micro, and Bloom. The new light was put at 20" @ 50% intensity. The next day I go to check on them and there is some noticeable leaf drooping. Ive included some pics to help. My first thought was over watering however its been a few days with no change and my roots still look white (also have a pic), then I thought maybe the light was to intense so Ive lifted the height to 28" from canopy of smallest plant to light. Any tips or advice is greatly appreciated as prior to this they were growing well. Average temp in the tent is 21 Celsius and . Average RH is 58-60%. Ive been watering every 2-3 days
Download a free lux app, check how much light they were getting from old light and turn down the SF to match. As they become accustomed you can start turning it back up.

Red stag

mine look the same after cranking up another light i have turned them down a bit now hopefully perk up sooon