Drooping Leaves and Stem?????????

My seedlings are currently on day 7 and the leaves are growing out. Ive been watering them with a spray bottle and I would spray them until the soil was saturated. My friend then told me to start pouring water around the plant. So, I listened and poured water around the seedling until the soil was saturated. A day later one of the seedling leaves started to droop and the other seedling stem started to droop and bend. I was wondering what is the problem for my plant?:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
Overwatering causes the plant to droop and become heavy looking.
Underwatering cuases the leaves to curl and look tight.
You want a happy medium.....dont water for a few days and i bet they get better.

Ohh yeah and soil sux, hydro rules.


Well-Known Member
dry it out a lil, stop watering so frequently, waitg til the plant looks thirsty, and with seedlings water only when the top 2" of the pot are dry..stop misting young plants,or you'll get light burn or poss till drown the seedling...misting is only really for later on in the grow.

if its drooping real bad where it might snap or fold over itself, try to prop it up a lil with some wire in the soil or maybe a chefs matchstick (those long ones) until it looks ok again.
just my 0.2...

fingers x'd for ya..


Well-Known Member
I've grown in soil, I've grown hydroponically. Both have advantages. Soil is easy, hard to fuck up, and better for n00bs. Hydro allows you to tweak every aspect of the plant, a bigger yield, and faster plant development. I'd take hydro over soil anyday.

But to answer your question, it sounds like overwatering. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels moist, don't water it. If it feels dry, water it until you see water draining out the bottom of the pot. Then don't water until the top inch or so of soil feels dry.