Drooping Leaves After Transplant (Attached Pic)



First grow for me. Papaya from Nirvana seeds and 14 days after germinating. I just transplanted two days agao to a one gallon pot, and it looks worse than just stressed.

Any ideas what could be causing this? Room temps are up to 77 when the lights are on and 66 when off. Under 6 - 26 watt 6500K cfls. Watering probably every 2nd or 3rd day, when the soil gets very dry with RO water.


you transplanted the plant too early, u should have waited 2 extra weeks. you should water around the plant with fresh water & lower the lights also add a small fan for great ventilation. Good grow so far *thumbs up you should be fine within a day or two.


Thanks. The roots looked good (I could see them at the bottom and sides of the clear cup). Next time I'll wait a bit longer.The transplant was into FFOF, and I plan to feed with the Fox Farm 3 pack as well. I have not given any nutes yet. Should I start with Big Bloom now?


Well-Known Member
I would bet that the new mix wasn't wet enough and you didn't water it in well.

That soil looks dry around the edges. Water it till the entire medium is saturated and then let dry, for sure, longer than 2 or 3 days with that size pot and plant. More like 5 days.

After you wet it well, firm the mix with your fingertips around the plant.


sgt d

Well-Known Member
That's seriously good advice from Wet, dude...follow it.

Also, no, you shouldn't need to feed it anything but water for quite awhile. I'd guess there's enough food already in that soil to last for 2-3 weeks, easy. The only thing I'd add is maybe some B vitamin, to help cushion it against (or in this case, bounce back from and prevent further) shock.

And: I've heard RO is more trouble than it's worth. Everyone I've known who used it quit using it. There must be some reason for that...it seems wasteful to me, which I think is a good enough reason to discontinue its use, but that's not what you asked. Sorry. The sgt is real, real high right now...