

Active Member
Hey guys,

put one of my eight plants outside last nite, in a large pot....when i checked it just now its drooping! prior to putting it out it stood 7 inches, now its drooped down to 6 and the leaves are drooping too....is this just from the transplant/transition from indoor to outdoor? or did the weather do this...it went down to about 5 degrees celcius last night, and now its up to 20 today with bright sunlight. What can i do to help this plant? also, i put a second one outside just now straight into the ground. should i leave it or bring it back inside. they are getting too big inside so i need a solution to put them outside in the next couple days. Any help is greatly appreciated.



Well-Known Member
Plants that have been grown inside need a harding off period to adjust them to the outside. Bring them out each day and back in at night for a few days at least ,that way the harden up some and do better.


Active Member
Did you water them real good when you put them outdoors?Drooping usually means underwatering. Get some SuperThrive, it should perk them back up from any transplant shock.


Well-Known Member
all plants will droop after transplanting them or moving them to a new environment. when you change a plant to a new atmosphere it causes the plant to adapt to its surroundings which stresses the plant, this is perfectly normal for any plant. give it a day or so. just keep an eye on it


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I've been giving my plants 24 hours a day light, I'd say around 8 hours sunlight 16 hours CFL. I recently transplanted 3 outside.. 2 of them 2 days ago and 1 yesterday. I have not seen any shock symptoms, the two I transplanted 2 days ago have grown quite a bit.