Drooping clones...tha fudge is wrong!?!?!


Active Member

  • Nice big clones. 45degree cut under water. Clonex. Easy plugs in tray on perlite in humidity dome. Closed 4 first days. Only spray inside of the lid. Open vent 2 next days. Spray leaves and lid 2 times a day.
    6 days in, clones are drooping.
    Plugs are wet.

    24-25 celsius. 55-60% in room. 2×240w meanweell+samsung chips, 2of5 bars on. 1.7meter. 24/7.

    Thinking too much foliage. Remembering reading that one should remove 2-3nodes, dip all cuts in clonex, and put 1-2 nodes down in the plug.

    Ok, cut away some nodes and half fan leaves. Put some hormone on the stem cuts, some hormone around stem bottom to soak in plug. Do not move stem so to not disturb roots. Spray leaves and inside lid. Halfway open vent. Plugs are still wet.

    Day 7. Drooping still.

    Plugs are wet. Stop spray? Only spray lid?
+1 on photo are they full on drooped over or just kinda droopy? Maybe too much light? Sometimes certain genetics are hard to take root and it's more like 14 days instead of 7.
Bigger leaves will droop. You'll see alot of guys cut them in 1/2 to avoid that. If you took the clones during lights off or just before lights off, they'll droop sometimes (strain dependent).