drooping and some yellow dying!


I could use some advice on these plants. I am a newbie growing in FFOF. I got a couple clones from the dispensary in rockwool. I put the rockwool directly into my soil, which was dry. I then put a quart of water on them the first day and then again on the second. I realized I may have over watered them. It has been 3 days now since I watered and they have continued to look aweful. The really droopy one is leading the way and the rest are all following. Could it just be the water, could it be something else? Any suggestions for remedies?

Thanks a lot for any help you can offer.


Well-Known Member
looks as though its too far from the light its trying to stretch wich is causeing the stem to become weak im not sure ive never seen pplants that look that bad--have you checked th PH in the water and in the soil?


Active Member
the first pick looks like its dressed for halloween and the second plant is trying to climb out of the bucket. looks well overwatered, looking at the soil also it looks very dense for some reason, did you pat it down with a brick.
theres not much you can do but get the bible out and pray, not the marijuana bible, the one with christ in.
one of the main problems with new growers is overwatering, dont water too heavy next time and make sure there are big drainage holes in the bottom of the pot to let the water flow. also as said you need to be checking the ph of the water, you can get a cheap tester that will do. first grow is a learning curve so dont beat yourself up about it, good luck with the rest of the grow.


None of this sounds good. I am working on calibrating my meter now to check my water. Was wondering also if not much of the water got into the rockwool and only around it, the rockwool does not feel soggy.....maybe they did not have enough to drink? I doubt it but just tossing it out there.


Active Member
I agree with the other posts also looks like those plants are a little small to be in those big buckets, at that size use one gallon buckets until there root bound then transplant, I know it more work and makes a mess but it's well worth it.


New Member
there prob stressed from transplant i would suggest buying superthrive what kind of power you got them on and what hrs
was there roots coming out of rockwool ??? also i would suggest putting a humidity dome over them some kind of clear pail what ever and bring humidity up high

heres a thought get 2 steel wire coat hangers un tangle them make a half square and place them all round your pail get siran wrap and cover it up that way make like a tent :clap:


I opened the rockwool and did not see roots coming to the bottom, only about 3/4 the way, so it appears everything is still contained in the rockwool. At this point a day later the first pic, that plant is so dry it "crunches" into pieces if I touch it. The other is still hanging in and I have pulled the rockwool out to dry it and give it air.

Dr. Fever, as far as the humidity, should I do that while I am trying to dry out, or should I be drying out? I cant believe I am about to loose them all and there is nothing I can do. THey have not had a nutes as I just got the clones from the dispensary in the rockwool and the FFOF was supposed to have enough nutes to last the first 3 weeks.

Not sure if there is anything I can do. I have been toying with painstakingly removing all the rockwool to get to the roots, let them air out a bit them place them in some water. Any other suggestions? Damn expensive learning experience!