drooping and curling leaves... what can i do ...

daniel watson

Well-Known Member
i just looked at my plant and its got the top leaves curling 1 bottom leaf drooping and starting to yellow what do i do????

daniel watson

Well-Known Member
you could give us a little more info
ligt ,nute .age ,ph,soil,
pics are aways good
take a look at my avatar..see how the top leaves are curling down.ita an outdoor plant ...the only thing i give it is water and fish emulsion...the sun iz my light i dont have a way too check the ph levels now...but can do l8er..its not that young its about 4.5 weeks old and it grows really slowly though..

daniel watson

Well-Known Member
did you give it to much water???? feed? or is your light setup faulty?

its an outdoor plant getting alot of sun ..it was fine this morning when i checked it out and i look bout 30min ago its all fucked up looking...i dont think i over fed it.i only give it a bottle of water when i feed.i give it the fish every 2 days....thats bout it..


Well-Known Member
cut it off? It looks fine to me actually. Are you comparing how she looks when she just woke up to when she's ready for bed? They will completely droop when it's bedtime. Well many strains do anyway, but not all. The sativas I got recently do that more than any other plant I've grown so far. If I didn't know better I'd think they were sick every night.

Most likely you are overwatering if it droops too much during the day but with the top as perky as it is you can't be doing too bad.

Isn't it a little late in the season where you are to have such a tiny immature plant outdoors? Here the days are too short already for vegitation and if you're in the same boat you won't get much off that little girl. Plus it is beginning to get a bit cold in the evenings.

Anyway I would not worry about any plant that perks up on top like yours is. Looks fine. Back off on the ferts if it's leafs are curling and remember no or very low N during flowering.
I can't see the yellowing but maybe you need to get a soil ph meter and check the soil, or just dump dolomite lime on the ground either way and water that in to be sure there's no nute lockout.