

Well-Known Member
personally this is my first time grow.. now im not going for quantity, i just want a good healthy plant. I had found a healthy beaner in a bag of nugget i had got a month or two ago.

It germinated in about 36 hours. and then i planted it two inches down in some 2 year old manure compost. it sprouted in about two days. since then i've been keeping her in my potato cellar suspended in a box that hangs not to far from the celling. i hung a florescent light just out side of the box. shes getting 18/6 lighting schedule. and the room is about a constant 73-74 degrees. humid but not too humid. and i feed her once every four days with miracle grow. there is a small fan in the box that circulates air. Shes about three weeks old and shes doing great, but shes getting top heavy, and i was wondering how to help fix this problem. i have some pics.. any input would be cool..



Well-Known Member
You should lower the light for less stretching, and put some kind of support sitck so she plant can hold on to.


Active Member
Definitely an insufficient lighting problem. This is causing your baby to stretch. If that's just a standard shop lamp, you would do better with a 6500K CFL lamp. That said, definitely lower your light to slow down the stretching. It won't burn the leaves until it's practically touching.

It might not seem like much to our eyes, but moving a light source a mere inch closer dramatically increases the amount of light that reaches your plant.

Basically, if you halve the distance, you'll quadruple the light intensity.


Well-Known Member
i use a straw and cut it down to size and then cut a slit length wise. this works great when they are lengthy. also keep the fan on her to simulate wind thus making the main stem stronger


Well-Known Member
The pic is small so I can't be positive but it looks like the leaves are nut burned too, you shouldn't need to feed every 4 days, you shouldn't need to feed the plant during it's first month of growth, only water.


Well-Known Member
ok, well we moved the light closer (bout an inch away now), and stuck a skewer beside her. She seems to have definitely brightened up a bit. So thank you all for your help!

Also as far as feeding goes... we only give her a few squirts of a very diluted mix (round every four days or so). Is this still too much?

(this girl is more or less a trial run while we wait for our white rhino seeds)