Drone not ours wait yes it is!!!!

If you constantly kick your ball into my yard and then, knock on my door to get it because you are afraid of my dogs...... after the 3rd time I am letting my dogs eat your ball.
Willyßagseed;6765823 said:
If you constantly kick your ball into my yard and then, knock on my door to get it because you are afraid of my dogs...... after the 3rd time I am letting my dogs eat your ball.

the usa is not afraid of your dogs
That's typical proceedure,,,It just put's them even deeper on the shit list,,,Why is "Obama",,,To weak to get the drone back?,,,It's a drone,,,Not a American soldier,,,Last I knew "Obama",,,Had no problem giving the "Order" to kill all the bad guy's no one else could get!,,,and attack in Pakastan!,,,Sounds like he has a lot more common sense than causing Thousands of "American live's" in a Bullshit war that cost Trillion's,,,of dollar's? Get the fuck outta here!!!!!lol....
Suits them right. Stop flying shit over their country. I believe 100% that this was intentional. Obama is searching for a reason to go into Iran like a child with a wheres Waldo book. He is just holding out until the election nears so he can look strong to the sheep that don't do their research.

Iran isn't the evil power the MSM is making them out to be. (remember all the WMDs they assured us Saddam had?) Hell they can't produce enough gasoline for themselves and have to import it. I think they just want to be left alone. Iraq attacked them, they fought back well and now because of that they are seen as a danger. They are surrounded by countries with nuclear weapons that hate them for religious reasons. Sounds like a good reason to want one. Not saying that they do, but with Israel blowing up their nuclear power facilities without provocation who could blame them. We should let them be. If Israel wants to poke them with a stick then so be it; this isn't our fight and they are of NO threat to our country.
That's typical proceedure,,,It just put's them even deeper on the shit list,,,Why is "Obama",,,To weak to get the drone back?,,,It's a drone,,,Not a American soldier,,,Last I knew "Obama",,,Had no problem giving the "Order" to kill all the bad guy's no one else could get!,,,and attack in Pakastan!,,,Sounds like he has a lot more common sense than causing Thousands of "American live's" in a Bullshit war that cost Trillion's,,,of dollar's? Get the fuck outta here!!!!!lol....

Iran held those hostages how long under Carter? Gave them right back when Regan took office. The Iranians knew damn well what he would do.

Obama wont do shit and the Iranians know it. He is weak.

Just stating the facts.

The Iraqui's will slobber all over the drone and when they are done they will sell it to the Chinese who will really benefit from it.
Suits them right. Stop flying shit over their country. I believe 100% that this was intentional. Obama is searching for a reason to go into Iran like a child with a wheres Waldo book. He is just holding out until the election nears so he can look strong to the sheep that don't do their research.

Iran isn't the evil power the MSM is making them out to be. (remember all the WMDs they assured us Saddam had?) Hell they can't produce enough gasoline for themselves and have to import it. I think they just want to be left alone. Iraq attacked them, they fought back well and now because of that they are seen as a danger. They are surrounded by countries with nuclear weapons that hate them for religious reasons. Sounds like a good reason to want one. Not saying that they do, but with Israel blowing up their nuclear power facilities without provocation who could blame them. We should let them be. If Israel wants to poke them with a stick then so be it; this isn't our fight and they are of NO threat to our country.
Please do The USA a favor and go on a hiking trip in Iran,,,,Please...I'll pay for it lol....
Well let's see?,,,Obama is not carter,,,and I think that was the first terrorist event against the USA,,,and cool look how "Regan",,,Won...He's Dead and we are knee deep in Terrorist attack's what a fucking winner,,,,Go Regan!!!!! Oh yea and Bush,,,His vice president,,,EX head of the CIA....
Iran held those hostages how long under Carter? Gave them right back when Regan took office. The Iranians knew damn well what he would do.

Obama wont do shit and the Iranians know it. He is weak.

Just stating the facts.

The Iraqui's will slobber all over the drone and when they are done they will sell it to the Chinese who will really benefit from it.
Oh shit! That's right! I totally forgot about the hostage crisis! Carter won't be able to do shit, but Jesse Jackson has a decent shot at getting it back. lol!:mrgreen:
Iran held those hostages how long under Carter? Gave them right back when Regan took office. The Iranians knew damn well what he would do.

Obama wont do shit and the Iranians know it. He is weak.

Just stating the facts.

The Iraqui's will slobber all over the drone and when they are done they will sell it to the Chinese who will really benefit from it.

Had nothing to do with "knowing" what Reagan would do (as in implying he would actually attack them .. lol), had everything to do with Reagan's offer of arms to fight Iraq if they would hold the hostages until after the election.

Or have you never heard of Iran / Contra ? We sold arms to both sides of the war in the 80's, Iran and Iraq

Nixon did the same thing to get elected making a treasonous deal with South Vietnam.
Please do The USA a favor and go on a hiking trip in Iran,,,,Please...I'll pay for it lol....

Oh I see. You're one of those people that don't respect other peoples property. Got it. Iran has a border just like every other country. The difference is that they enforce theirs instead of being a push over like out current POTUS. The hikers were trespassing, got caught, were arrested and released (not harmed in the process). Mind you they came from the Iraq side of their country. If Canada attacked us; don't you think we would be leery about someone sneaking around the mountains?
We are not being attacked by "Mexico",,,There is a great need for worker's in the "Companies Eye's",,,The One's you know the one's with Money that pay worker's?,,,Cheap labor is in need in the USA,,,Why pay someone for what there worth when people are risking there live's for a better opportunity in a NOT 3rd world country!,,,,Don't build a Wall,,,stop the demand and business is the real problem promoting opportunity!,,,If that stopped we would not have an immagration issue...Period.
Oh I see. You're one of those people that don't respect other peoples property. Got it. Iran has a border just like every other country. The difference is that they enforce theirs instead of being a push over like out current POTUS. The hikers were trespassing, got caught, were arrested and released (not harmed in the process). Mind you they came from the Iraq side of their country. If Canada attacked us; don't you think we would be leery about someone sneaking around the mountains?
I say Fuck IRAN,,,and there Theologist way of life!!!,,,You should to,,,Ya fucking sympathiser,,,do nothing but cry baby....Get a Job....LOL,,,and cut your hair:razz:,,,and please clean your pathetic soul:twisted: LOL.....
screw iran they need to give us our shit back
Would you be ok If i sat in your yard at night with a pair of binoculars & watched your mom/wife/GF get undressed? If i forget my binoculars there can I come over and ask for them back and expect to get them? Be realistic.