I've driven from Cali to the East Coast three times in the past five years or so. I usually drove from around 11:00AM-11:00PM. Out of those three times i was pulled over twice within a ten minute span in Kansas for a tail light that was out. (I'm pretty sure the light went out during the venture) At the time of being pulled over I had a couple ounces in my trunk so inevitably I was totally freaked.
If a situation like that arises be extremely respectful to the cop and do your best to appear "cool" and not overly nervous. God only knows, If I were stoned at the time I would've been sweating bullets onto the registration when I had to hand it over. *shudders
Also, I was moving at the time so I had a ton of stuff packed in the car/trunk...bedding, computer stuff, etc. Having the car packed to the gills may have helped in detouring the cop from wanting to "search the car real quick" or perhaps not...I was respectful with him so he let me go...I was pulled over five-ten minutes later in the same township for the same tail light by a different cop (while I was trying to find a hotel to crash for the night) Luckily he was cool as well..found a hotel, got the light fixed the next day, and back on the road.
Rules of the road if your transporting an eighth or 50 lbs...
-Don't Speed
-Get your head and tail lights in order before you leave
-Don't smoke doobs in the car
follow those simple rules and you'll be fine...just don't give them a reason to pull you over. (though it'll be a white knuckle drive for a looong time)
If you're transporting weight, never tell anyone the route you're taking, the car you're driving (my buddy who did lots of trips across Canada would always rent a car, it added cost, but no one ever knew what car he was driving if someone by some miracle of god found out where he was and what he was doing and snitched) and give sketchy dates for the time you are away. "I'm leaving on Thursday!" and then leave on Weds (something explainable though)...
Basically, be a ninja. You've already outlined the route you're taking and told us what kind of car you're driving... so yeah. You might want to revise those

Also it's 4300 bucks profit on a lb @ 325 if you're paying 900 and it's quality (I'm guessing you pay more for quality, even if it's outdoors, though).
Oh, and don't smoke shit. Package properly and don't let it sit. If you package and let it sit for a long time and then go - you're gonna find the dogs will smell you! It eventually seeps through the pores in the bags, depends on the quality of packaging to say how long that is. The more layers of packaging the merrier, even though it's a gigantic pain in the ass. I hate vacuuming up large volume, it takes a long time, especially if you're trying not to get finger prints and shit all over everything and doing it properly... have to have a clean room etc. Don't smoke or carry anything not properly packaged for the entire trip. Anything that can tip off a dog means they can and will do a thorough search of the car.
If you need to relax at night have a drink or two.