Dripper mod peeps, join me on hash adventures!


Well-Known Member
I've been experimenting lately with building coils for hash oil and ejuice. I've found a build that produces a lighter vapor but still allows for a strong kick probably due to not overheating the oil.

The build, 26 guage kanthal 12 wraps around 2mm screwdriver (usually comes with kits.) dual coil.

I would like to continue this thread as discussion on this topic, and also just chillin getting stoned bullshitting about these vapes and builds and just getting stoned in public without people knowing kinda fun.

In the spirit of toke n talk, let the fun begin.
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Well-Known Member
And just an FYI this isn't a cloud chaser build.

Cloud chaser builds run way too hot in my experience for hash oil. Because of this I highly recommend this sort of higher ohm higher surface area build.

A good cloud chaser build for those who are wondering is 6 wrap 22g kanthal dual coil about 1/8th inch in diameter.


Well-Known Member
Nice build.Been thinking about temperature control for my oils.Evic-VT might be on my list.
But..uh,long live the mechs.lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah I agree a mech mod isn't the most ideal for this purpose, that's why I built these coils specifically to be cooler and deliver the oil effectively. It still works great for juice but isn't a cloud chaser.

It seems mixing the hash with VG isn't truly a solution here, and products to make this easier use massive amounts of PG which is bad for taking huge hits.

So we just need to figure out what coil to box to regulated box setup is most ideal, and just in general bs and get stoned.


Well-Known Member
New build, mainly for vapor but would work great for hash too. Just tested it on hash and it's epic

Dual twisted 24g 1/8th inch.

I haven't tested the ohms but it's 6 wraps so I'd guess around .1


Well-Known Member
An addy caddy my ol' lady got me.Camera's not worth a damn.
I have a bit more at home.

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