Drip Drip Goes The Uniseal (Leaking!)

Hello guys, I am reading this thread but I'm wondering why you make the return line bigger than the feed line?
Both cch2o and alienhydronics have good rdwc systems and they dont do that. The return line is already smaller than the feed line.

Thanks in advance!
I do it so i know my pump will not overflow my system

And so i can acheive the results i was looking for

I get a full circulation in under 2 mins :)
Hello guys, I am reading this thread but I'm wondering why you make the return line bigger than the feed line?
Both cch2o and alienhydronics have good rdwc systems and they dont do that. The return line is already smaller than the feed line.

Thanks in advance!
Ummm, yes they do.
so what's up with chillers?

under what conditions would one need one?
Before I cooled my water to below 70F I had root problems no matter what else I tried.

After I cooled my RDWC so that it got below 70F at least once a day, I had no more problems- even when I deliberately inoculated the system with water I knew to have root rot in it.

So it was pretty much a night and day difference for me. YMMV, but I've never seen it.
All environments are differnt

I been seeing my water temp hit 77 for at least 2 months lol dont know why its working for me
Nutes? Mabey
All environments are differnt

I been seeing my water temp hit 77 for at least 2 months lol dont know why its working for me
Nutes? Mabey
I've let my water get as high as 86F. As long as it cools down to below 70F at least once a day, it's all good.

Wish I knew why it works so well for you.
Dont know
I was only.running it as a preventative measure because i switched from a nute that had organics in it to a full synthetic

I was going to try running without it this next run just to see if i really need it .
my room stays at whatever i set the thermostat on. right around 75 mostly. to be honest when i was running DWC, i never checked water temps.

will the pump heat the water?
The 500gph pump wont be too bad

My 900 heats it up a bit

My room also stays around 75

And my one rdwc with a 400gph pump hits a high of 70 to 73 and my big one will hit 77 so mabey a 5 degree increase running constanly.

I might switch set ups for summer run havent decided yet
The 500gph pump wont be too bad

My 900 heats it up a bit

My room also stays around 75

And my one rdwc with a 400gph pump hits a high of 70 to 73 and my big one will hit 77 so mabey a 5 degree increase running constanly.

I might switch set ups for summer run havent decided yet

i shouldn't have a problem then. i can dial the air temp down even more if i need to
Correct. It isn't worth the trouble to fix it. Next time I rebuild it- VERY easy to do with flexible hose and barbed fittings- I'll configure it to correct for the issue.

i went to home depot today and got threaded x barb fittings. will connect with the rubber hose couplings i also bought. this will allow my tubs to sit flat and not leak. the rubber couplings will take the flex.

pics a bit later when she is up and running with the spill over working.