Drinking And Smoking The Green. You Thoughts


Well-Known Member
hey everyone i just have a few questions to see if its just me or if all smokers have the same out look.

ok here is the question
because we all smoke do you guys drink as well?

from what i have gathered from my short time on earth people that smoke tend to like it because it offers a deeper meaning to life while drinking is a shallow cheep high that usually contrasts that of a pot smoker.

so i was just wondering what you guys thoughts
if you drink how much do you drink

I do not drink at all anymore because I'm tired of hangovers and I am not a fan of beer it tastes like shit in my opinion I prefer whiskey a good tasting drink, but like I said I don't drink anymore I just smoke myself till I'm retarded..:peace:
i havent touched alcohol since i started smoking a few months ago. i just have no desire to drink anymore...i definitely prefer weed.
Haven't drank a drop since I started smoking and really doubt I will ever drink another drop ever again unless it would be disrespectful not to. Also smoking and drinking really at the same time really fuck me up.
i definitely drink less when i'm smoking more. then again i think for partying and all drinking is where its at. it's real hard not to drink in college. anyways i think they both have their pros and cons
ya from what i observe with people i know shows this to be true.

i honestly think its based on personality
Im drinking a heinekin as we speak..........Popped 3 20mg oc's and blazin bc god bud from the bubbler:peace:
oc's are fricken crazy. would give you props the fucked up night you're havin but i've been too giving as of late..
As of about 4 years now I have not drank any type of alcohol. Ok maybe a few drinks here and there but I could count those on my two hands. Being 29 with a bad liver for no reason SUCKS but I still wouldnt drink if it was different. I get a hang over the morning after no matter what I do and to me, its just not worth it. I hate not being able to eat in the morning and having a bubbly stomach and bad headache. And to drink and smoke, forget about that .... for me thats a definite toilet hugger time for me. Me and my girl just smoke and thats it these days and thats good enough for me :)
I'm the same as most of the replies here, such that I definitely prefer smoking over drinking.

I tend to get a fairly solid hangover any time I drink enough to actually get drunk so I hate having to trade-off tomorrow if I want to have a drunken good time tonight. I did quite a bit of both drinking and smoking during my years in university so I don't want to hear that its just because I don't drink enough, some people just get hungover more than others.

Another reason why I prefer weed is because I love the fact that I can just pack a bowl or roll a quick j, spark it, and within a minute or so I feel frickin' awesome, whereas with drinking I've got to start shotgunning beers or pounding shots to start feeling drunk in a half hour. This also makes it a lot harder to moderate your level of drunkenness as theres the delay before the alcohol gets absorbed, and it can be easy to drink too much before they kick in, resulting in getting drunker than I'd like and then having to wait hours before I start feeling better. The bottom line for me is that if I drink too much I spend the rest of the night puking in some random location, yet if I smoke 'too much' I just relax on the couch or go take a nice pleasant nap.

Hahaha just re-reading that makes me laugh, I can't really think of a time when I've smoked 'too much' or actually wished that I hadn't just smoked that bowl/pipe/joint/blunt. I'm sure I must've briefly thought that right after some killer hits (6ft'er anyone?), but then immediately after that thought I'd bust out giggling while thinking "nah, who am i kidding?? this is fuckin' great!"

As I'm writing this I keep thinking of so many more reasons why I love pot over alcohol, but I will let others mention them. I think my main reason is the high itself, and the general happy and relaxed feeling thats comes with it. I guess its just that chill, laid-back, weed-smokin personality that some of us have lol :blsmoke:
befor ei smoked i would dirnk pretty often, it was highschool so rpetty much everyone i knew was an up and coming alcoholic, but after i started smoking i really didnt feel like drinking, alcohol made me feel like dirty and cheap and i realized that the high was really quite shitty
nowadays i only drink as a social thing, and never to get drunk, after i have my buzz on il put the bottle away, and only beer, no hard liquor

but there are some times when a 40 goes really really well with a nice fat vanilla blunt
i drink less when i'm smoking more

when im fresh out, thats when the partying and drinkin goes on, but when im filled up...

back to the ganj :] sometimes ill smoke & drink tho, gets you pretty good feelin
I enjoy being mixed. Its clear that weed is a whole lot easier on my body and I am much more coherent and aware when baked than drunk.
i prefer smoking over drinking. too bad my state doesn't have medical because my condition is listed in every medical state. i never do both together.