driking vs smoking


Active Member
Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeffinately the cron man! You don't wake up with a fucking headache and the desire to spew your piece out, you don't do stupid shit that you wouldnt normally do, you can drive on weed, I mean, to get to the same retardedness of alcohol from smoking weed is near impossible, and even if you do manage it, you will probably just fall asleep, and when you wake up, everything is fine.

It is a fucking mystery to me that alcohol is legal and weed isn't, where the fuck is the logic in that??!! I have never seen anybody crash a car high, but drunk....................even at extreme levels weed addiction (if possible) will not kill you, however alcohol addiction will. Date rape, none of those dirty fucks could slip a damn date rape pill into a blunt, violence on the streets on a busy saturday night out on the town, purely alcohol fulled, when I smoke I just wanna chill and don't have the slightest desire to smack someone in the face! There are so many facts that lean in favor of weed it's not funny, what the fuck is wrong with the politics of this world, god damn it fucks me off!!

So yeah, in my humble opinion there is no comparison. Weed easily outclasses alcohol.


Active Member
Smoking = win. Getting drunk = hangover and strange rash on your weener. I like to get drunk every now and then, but it's kinda a rariity these days.


Active Member
trueee that!
though yer bound to get a slightly biased view on a pot growing website....
hahahaha try the AA site?

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Seriously - I've seen the effects of alcohol the day after and I've seen the effects of weed the day after...at least with weed you wake up and can actually function a bit (even if you do cough like hell in the morning), with alcohol you throw up (more than once if you've had enough), feel like shit and can't function all day coz of a bad hangover...

Which is healthier? Not saying pot is particularly healthy or anything, but you don't fuck up your liver with it...ok, your MIND possibly if you do it EVERY night for a long time, but...I mean generally...the after-effects don't FEEL half as nasty as alcohol...

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Seriously - I've seen the effects of alcohol the day after and I've seen the effects of weed the day after...at least with weed you wake up and can actually function a bit (even if you do cough like hell in the morning), with alcohol you throw up (more than once if you've had enough), feel like shit and can't function all day coz of a bad hangover...

Which is healthier? Not saying pot is particularly healthy or anything, but you don't fuck up your liver with it...ok, your MIND possibly if you do it EVERY night for a long time, but...I mean generally...the after-effects don't FEEL half as nasty as alcohol...
lol the only after effects i've ever had with bud is waking up still high. Which is nice.


Well-Known Member
Smoking = win. Getting drunk = hangover and strange rash on your weener. I like to get drunk every now and then, but it's kinda a rariity these days.
avoid a hangover,,,,,,stay drunk,, ;-) ,,,,,,,,I still like em both