Dried To Fast


Active Member
This is my first grow. All went so well I can't believe it....until I dried the harvest to fast. It's a little harsh. I've read all the threads about rehydrating, but I was wondering if rehydrating and then curing, doing a burp every day would allow the magnesium to dissipate and take the harshness away? (I love a good run-on sentence!)

Any tips? Experience?


Active Member
I had the same problem. Ended up with 18 massive buds that I couldn't check on and they dried in 4 days in the 100F degree weather we are experiencing. Had them hanging in the 2nd floor of a well ventilated garage. I used the peel from one lemon over the course of several days and it totally rehydrated. The harshness will go away with a little time and patience and I just made sure that I kept the buds gently tossed so that the moisture didn't cause mold. Still smokin it and still enjoying it!


Active Member
Fruits would be my last resort to rehydrate my grow. I would take a fresh leaf off a cannabis plant and use it to rehydrate instead of the fruit, especially citrus. It leaves a bitter taste. Well, disclaimer, maybe just for me, its not a good thing to use fruits. But the leaf from the same plant has the same taste and smell :) and it tasted better.