Dried out during vacation


New Member
I screw up my plants while on vacation. The automatic drip system didn’t work and plants were dried for 4 days. Is it recoverable? I was 1 week away from harvest.
Looks like auger leaves r still green. Not sure if I should just chop it down or try to rehydrate.


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Those plants look dead, leaves are not drooping, they are crispy. Pretty sure it’s not gonna recover, it looks like it’s drying already.
Yeah, I watered it last night when I got back and the grow bag is still wet this morning. Kinda told me the plants didn’t take up any water.
I think I will just chop it down and continue to dry it.
Thanks! Just wanted someone to confirm this.
Btw, is there problem drying a plant while still in soil? The look and smell of the plants are exactly like the same as chopped down drying plant.
It looks like it's already started the drying process. Chop it and get started on your next grow.

Just out of curiosity, what automatic drip system did you use and what went wrong? If it was an off the shelf product you're experience with it could benefit others.
The drip system was a very cheap China made little dual programming pump. (See photo) It worked for the first watering, but didn’t come up for the second. I wasn’t thinking that it didn’t work, I would considered that the start of drying lol. It was unfortunate that I was so close, just missing the last week of “bulking up”. It was ~8 weeks after switching for this 8 week flowering strain.

Well, would really like to know if I can still reveg this plant as the stem after I chopped is still wet and firm. This is a difficult to get strain (strawberry lemonade), so would like to try revenging a chopped plant. This is my first grow of 2 autos and 2 photo periods. The two autos yielded 5 oz, and was hopping these two will yield a pound! Lol. These two are more than 2 times bigger.


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You can always try to reveg but don’t get your hopes up. There doesn’t look to be any live growth on those, but take a look at the nodes along the main stem. I’d be real surprised if you managed to reveg, those look “all dead” not just “ mostly dead”.
Ive never heard of working with a chopped plant. Not seeing how that would be possible since its now without a rootball . Pet cemetary maybe lol
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I screw up my plants while on vacation. The automatic drip system didn’t work and plants were dried for 4 days. Is it recoverable? I was 1 week away from harvest.
Looks like auger leaves r still green. Not sure if I should just chop it down or try to rehydrate.
Next time at least put it in a larger pot if your going away. I've been away for 2 weeks from mine... find out next week if the watering system. Has dones it's job...lol
Next time at least put it in a larger pot if your going away. I've been away for 2 weeks from mine... find out next week if the watering system. Has dones it's job...lol

Good suggestion. I was thinking about putting it in a basin with standing water, but worry about pest or mold. I definitely will cut the small fabric bag and put into a larger bag. That would at least last a few more days.
The drip system was a very cheap China made little dual programming pump. (See photo) It worked for the first watering, but didn’t come up for the second. I wasn’t thinking that it didn’t work, I would considered that the start of drying lol. It was unfortunate that I was so close, just missing the last week of “bulking up”. It was ~8 weeks after switching for this 8 week flowering strain.

Well, would really like to know if I can still reveg this plant as the stem after I chopped is still wet and firm. This is a difficult to get strain (strawberry lemonade), so would like to try revenging a chopped plant. This is my first grow of 2 autos and 2 photo periods. The two autos yielded 5 oz, and was hopping these two will yield a pound! Lol. These two are more than 2 times bigger.

Most of those things don't work very well at all. In the future you might look into blumats if you're going to need to water your plants while away.

The blumat classics. Under $20 for 3.

Most of those things don't work very well at all. In the future you might look into blumats if you're going to need to water your plants while away.

The blumat classics. Under $20 for 3.


Thx! Can’t trust electronic devices from China…