Dried Bud Stems appear slightly furry?


Active Member
I grew some weed recently, second grow, and did very well yield-wise, but I put the weed in the jars too early and it got slightly moldy, so I went through each piece and pulled out the ones with zero visible mold on them. I also had some popcorny stuff that had not gone in jars yet, and I was much more careful with the drying on that stuff. Today I broke up a nug of the popcorn(y) stuff and noticed under a fairly strong light that the stem appeared slightly furry, but I don't think it is mold because it seems isolated to the stem and looks pretty natural. I don't have any other bud to compare, can someone please hold one of their dried buds close to a light bulb and tell me if this is normal? It's subtle, it just looks like little hairs. Sorry for the stupid amateur stoner question, I never payed much attention before to what I put in my pipe.


Active Member
This is asked a lot. If you can remove visible mold then allow to dry. If it smells the least bit moldy I would throw it away. Your health isnt worth it.

If not mold then smoke and enjoy...


Active Member
This is asked a lot. If you can remove visible mold then allow to dry. If it smells the least bit moldy I would throw it away. Your health isnt worth it.

If not mold then smoke and enjoy...
Well, I am on anti-rejection drugs so I don't f with any amount of mold, but I am really just wondering about these stems on my bud, and I'm wondering if someone can just stick on of their buds next to a light bulb and look at the bottom where the stem pokes out, and tell me if it appears slightly hairy at very close up.

I don't think my question is as common as you say, because your answer is about what to do with moldy weed, while I do not believe there is any mold on these buds that I am asking about. This is a batch that was dried properly and cured separately from the other stuff, so it should be free of any unusual amount of mold (technically mold is everywhere). This is a simple question about what weed looks like when it dries out, not a question about whether or not to smoke mold.


New Member
Well, I am on anti-rejection drugs so I don't f with any amount of mold, but I am really just wondering about these stems on my bud, and I'm wondering if someone can just stick on of their buds next to a light bulb and look at the bottom where the stem pokes out, and tell me if it appears slightly hairy at very close up.

I don't think my question is as common as you say, because your answer is about what to do with moldy weed, while I do not believe there is any mold on these buds that I am asking about. This is a batch that was dried properly and cured separately from the other stuff, so it should be free of any unusual amount of mold (technically mold is everywhere). This is a simple question about what weed looks like when it dries out, not a question about whether or not to smoke mold.
i believe i answered ur question
non-glandular trichomes???