Dresser Stealth Growbox (in progress as you are reading)


Well-Known Member
Hello there tokers... As you are reading this I am in the process of tearing apart a dresser for a grow chamber. This thing is about 50"Hx30"Wx19"D and will house a 10g aquarium with an aeroponics system. I will be using 4 CFL's attached to a wooden frame with one CFL on each side. These are high wattage CFLs... two are 105w 5400k and two will be 85w 3000k. I plan to mount a pebbled reflector (air cooled of course) that I will buy from the local hydro shop. I already purchased light lifters for 11.00 from eBay and they are rated to hold up to 22lbs.

Picture are sure to come in updates and edits throughout the day so make sure that you keep checking in if you are interested. As for right now as soon as my digital camera is charged I will take some snapshots of the dresser being dismantled. I decided to just take some snappers anyway so take a look. I plan to leave the two top drawers for storage and if possible clones. The picture with the red circles is the floor, I highlighted the reinforcement boards that I needed to add in order to support the weight of the grow system. I am sure that it will hold as I was able to crawl in and it supported me.

I also added a pic of my scrubber and fan setup. I think I will try and keep it on the inside of the dresser but we will wait and see. I am thinking about taking the cotton off to allow better air flow. Unfortunately this fan is rated only like 15CFM higher than the scrubber so the air flow is hardly a flow lol.



Well-Known Member
I decided to take a couple pics of my prospective female. She is doing nice but I think there may be a bit of a difficiency going on here, possibly due to my nutes being at half strength. You can see some dead and ugly leaves on the very bottom from a PH fluctuation in the beginning. The other seedling actually died from it :( as it was the runt and couldn't bounce back. I would guess that she is about 2.5 weeks old at the most and considering the stress from the PH problem I'd say it looks pretty good.

PS: For anyone wondering the PH was up to 8 and that was the culprit.

So I tied up some loose ends for the doors, and then drilled out the intake holes. I was thinking about cutting 6 2" holes and in the end it turned into 10 holes lol. I plan to attach the doors via slide and latch locks. A secret compartment will allow for me to reach in and unlock the doors from the outside.



Well-Known Member
I have a few more updates to feast your eyes on fellas I hope you enjoy.

I added pics of the dresser turned on in the closet with the light off. I can see very clearly that I need to work on light proofing this baby.

The second and third pic shows you how I attached the top two doors.

As you can see in the fourth picture I used a bolt on the bottom to hold the door in place, and I used a slide lock to keep the bottom door secure.



Well-Known Member
I drilled out 2" holes all over the bottom of the dresser. I then raised the floor up and used a piece of plywood and left over wood to strengthen it to support the weight of the res/container. Air flows up from underneath the floor and around the plants, then out the scrubber.

I have to add mylar still thank god I bought some today : ), but here is another picture of the dresser with her (fingers crossed) in it.

That last picture there is a free sample that FF sent me... sweet



Well-Known Member
I just finished putting mylar up and damn was that a pain in the ass. What I should have done was hang it before I put everything else in but I was pressed for time last night and had to get it grow worthy ASAP. I still need to buy a hood and attach it to the light fixture frames I made. I seem to have good air flow at least judging by my temps anyway (77*F). I really like how much easier it is to manage everything and work around in there. I was using a tote and trust me when I say that lifting a fish tank half filled with water is no joy on my back. No I can just slide it out and go to town with whatever I may need.


Well-Known Member
Heh, you stole my idea haha.. 'cept I'm using ALOT less space.
Nice grow, hope you get alot out of it. And sure enough, you will with that hydro set-up.