• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Dressage is so bad ass


Well-Known Member
You painted Bucky into a corner! LMAO
when mitt romney assumed governorship of MA, state unemployment was at 5.6, nationally, it was at 5.8.

when mitt romney didn't run for reelection because he would have lost, state unemployment was at 4.6, nationally, it was at 4.5.



mitt romney took a state that was doing better than the national average, and left it as a state that did worse than the national average!

47th in the nation overall at job creation. so sad. DUKAKIS did much better than that :razz:


Well-Known Member
Graph #1, you're speaking Greek to me. U3 vs U6? Where's Mass.?

Graph #2 says Mass was above avg. Not the top, but in the top 20% +/- from the graphic.
U3 is the rate we go by. U6 includes pretty much everyone: discouraged workers, marginally attached workers, and others.

just graphs of national versus state unemployment. if you google "google public data explorer" and search for "united states unemployment - seasonally adjusted", you will find the exact numbers i posted above.

romney did worse than the national average on jobs.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i hope to flying spaghetti monster that ryan gets asked to explain the difference between forcible and non-forcible rape during the debate. an explanation like the one you gave above should endear him in the eyes of all female voters.

rape is rape, bro.
as an unwitting perpetrator of statutory rape in the 80's i can tell you nope. when youre chillin at the community college cafe, and aa super hot broad with big tits and a strong hankering for the gandershank starts makin eyes at you from across a crowded room then she comes over and sits with ya and in less than 20 minutes she is cupping your junk under the table any red blooded human male might forget to check ID i know i did.

technically it was RAPE Is RAPE rape. but as whoopi goldberg might say,, it really wasnt rape rape. she hunted me and took me down like a wounded gazelle and i was ok with that. if she had been 1 year older it would have been quite OK with the law too, but nope. she got an itch, and needed somebody to scratch it just a little too early for johnny law's approval, and my junk was just a little older than the balls that was allowed by law to nail her.

neither of us was drunk, neither of us was coerced and we were both had grins a mile wide, like mongoloids in a skittles factory after the sweatin was done. when i offered her a smoke she said she never tried one before and i was like "no shit?" she was all like talkin about high school. when i heard freshmen all the blood drained out of my body and i suddenly had visions of prison showers, orange jumpsuits and lifting weights in the yard for 2-8 years.

even consensual sex between willing partners with no booze, no dope and no roofi-coladas can still be statutory rape (which is defined as unlawful sex even when the persons so engaged are willing participants)

this is why Forcible Rape is always a felony, regardless of the age of the perpetrator or the victim. but statutory rape can be an infraction, a misdemeanor, or a felony depending on the age spread.

you can commits statutory rape with great ease in some jurisdictions, and often the dude doesnt even know he is a RAPIST!! until he gets arrested.

Forcible Rape is always identifiable as rape, and the age of the victim only alters the amount of time you get when you are convicted. anybody with two brain cells to rub together is aware of the difference between Forcible Rape (Rape by Force) and Statutory Rape (Rape that is only Rape because of a statute where the "victim" is often in opposition to the charges laid against the "perpetrator")

heres a fine example of a Rape that is legally defined as Forcible Rape:
Two persons, both the same age are going at it. the "victim" decides in the middle of coitus that she has second thoughts about fucking this particular dude and says no. the dude obligingly quits humping,, and the "victim" then charges the "perpetrator" with Forcible Rape" for daring to fuck her when she agreed to the fucking in principle, but later declined to conti8nue fucking, while the fucking was fully engaged. the "perp" had been dating her for 8 months or so, and was taken by surprise when the cops showed up to arrest him for fucking his girlfriend this time, but not for all the other times they had fucked when consent was not unilaterally withdrawn. hew was convicted, then it was sent back to the lower courts on appeal before he was finally acquitted,, but he still wound up deep in debt and spent several months in jail for the crime of fucking his longtime girlfriend who one day decided to be a raging cunt.

all rape is not rape,, sometimes it's just a bitch being a bitch,, a dude who assumes that the broad in the bar is over 18,, or the dude who is so drunk he doesnt realize his "willing partner" is also drunk, and thus may now charge him with rape.

also, Duke Lacrosse.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Uhmm, that's exactly the kind of garbage that's been thrown at Obama for years by your kind. When I say "your kind" I mean hate filled racists just like you.

Your post is akin to the bully crying because some kid broke his nose. Cry me a river redneck
so im a hate fuilled racist because i think a man who hangs with bill ayers jerry wright and malik shabaaz might be a poor choice as president? wow! you're a fucknut! Obbama chose his associations fully aware that ayers was a 60's radical terrorist who helped plant bombs on college campuses, he knew that jerry wright was a steaming clump of racist horse shit stacked 5 foot 11 inches high and wrapped with a methodist minister's stole, and he knew very well that sharing a stage with malik shabaaz would cost him votes unless his factotums like yourself willfully slung the racist tar brush at anyone who dared ask if that was the kind of divisive asshole we want as president.

You are the racist. and not a very clever one either.

also,, thanks for another awesome ad hominem attack, as well as a really poorly constructed straw man.


New Member
when mitt romney assumed governorship of MA, state unemployment was at 5.6, nationally, it was at 5.8.

when mitt romney didn't run for reelection because he would have lost, state unemployment was at 4.6, nationally, it was at 4.5.



mitt romney took a state that was doing better than the national average, and left it as a state that did worse than the national average!

47th in the nation overall at job creation. so sad. DUKAKIS did much better than that :razz:
I think I'll take Factcheck.orgs word over a proven liar like you Bucky.

Massachusetts’ job growth ranking improved year to year under Romney. As we wrote in an item this week when an Obama ad claimed Massachusetts “fell” to 47th under Romney, in the 12 months before he took office, the state ranked 50th in job creation. That ranking remained 50th during Romney’s first year in office, but by his final year, it had improved to 28th.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Ryan worked on a Personhood bill Doc. As did Akin. How is that different than denying a woman the "right" to have an abortion if they are impregnated via rape - forceable or otherwise?
if inky and bucky want to tar ryan with the brush of his own "personhood" bill (seriously thats some retarded shit, and i had forgot about that one) then by all means, his record is his record, and he cant hide from it (unlike Obama). but paintin him with the broad brush of the crazy views of every asshole he ever worked with in the congress is just nuts.

i dont think abortions are awesome, nor that they are a sacrament. i think abortion is fucked up, tragic and sad, but sometimes puppies get run over by cars, sometimes kittens climb into radiator shrouds, and sometimes baby birds fall out of their nests. i do not think a law should be drawn up to prevent these unfortunate incidents either. abortions are NOT new, nor are anti abortion laws. even in the old testament there are warnings against terminating a pregnancy.

Hippocratic oath, the old version from the 5th century BC :

I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:
To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art; and that by my teaching, I will impart a knowledge of this art to my own sons, and to my teacher's sons, and to disciples bound by an indenture and oath according to the medical laws, and no others.
I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.
I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.

But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.
I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art.
In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with boys, be they free or slaves.
All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.
If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all humanity and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my life.

the hebrew doctors Oath of Asaph, written in the 6th century:

[1] This is the pact which Asaph ben Berakhyahu and Yohanan ben Zabda made with their pupils, and they adjured them with the following words:
[2] Do not attempt to kill any soul by means of a potion of herbs,
[3] Do not make a woman [who is] pregnant [as a result] of whoring take a drink with a view to causing abortion,

rule # 9 of the Seventeen Rules of Enjuin for doctors in japan in the 16th century
In our school, teaching about poisons is prohibited, nor should you receive instructions about poisons from other physicians. Moreover, you should not give abortives to the people.

so with all this history (and not even christian history at that) screaming abortions are bad i dont think the anti abortion factions should be painted as evil assholes, you lefties act like abortions are new or something.


Well-Known Member
I think I'll take Factcheck.orgs word over a proven liar like you Bucky.

So you will believe factcheck.org will you?

[h=2]Summary[/h]The McCain-Palin campaign accuses ACORN, a community activist group that operates nationwide, of perpetrating "massive voter fraud." It says Obama has “long and deep” ties to the group. We find both claims to be exaggerated. But we also find Obama has understated the extent of his work with the group.

  • Neither ACORN nor its employees have been found guilty of, or even charged with, casting fraudulent votes. What a McCain-Palin Web ad calls "voter fraud" is actually voter registration fraud. Several ACORN canvassers have been found guilty of faking registration forms and others are being investigated. But the evidence that has surfaced so far shows they faked forms to get paid for work they didn’t do, not to stuff ballot boxes.

The $8-an-hour employees were charged with providing false information on voter registration forms, and in one case with making a false statement to a public official. Five of the seven who were charged pleaded guilty. ACORN was fined for exercising insufficient oversight, but it was not charged with masterminding any kind of deliberate fraud


Well-Known Member
if inky and bucky want to tar ryan with the brush of his own "personhood" bill (seriously thats some retarded shit, and i had forgot about that one) then by all means, his record is his record, and he cant hide from it (unlike Obama). but paintin him with the broad brush of the crazy views of every asshole he ever worked with in the congress is just nuts.

i dont think abortions are awesome, nor that they are a sacrament. i think abortion is fucked up, tragic and sad, but sometimes puppies get run over by cars, sometimes kittens climb into radiator shrouds, and sometimes baby birds fall out of their nests. i do not think a law should be drawn up to prevent these unfortunate incidents either. abortions are NOT new, nor are anti abortion laws. even in the old testament there are warnings against terminating a pregnancy.

Hippocratic oath, the old version from the 5th century BC :

I swear by Apollo, the healer, Asclepius, Hygieia, and Panacea, and I take to witness all the gods, all the goddesses, to keep according to my ability and my judgment, the following Oath and agreement:
To consider dear to me, as my parents, him who taught me this art; to live in common with him and, if necessary, to share my goods with him; To look upon his children as my own brothers, to teach them this art; and that by my teaching, I will impart a knowledge of this art to my own sons, and to my teacher's sons, and to disciples bound by an indenture and oath according to the medical laws, and no others.
I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.
I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and similarly I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.

But I will preserve the purity of my life and my arts.
I will not cut for stone, even for patients in whom the disease is manifest; I will leave this operation to be performed by practitioners, specialists in this art.
In every house where I come I will enter only for the good of my patients, keeping myself far from all intentional ill-doing and all seduction and especially from the pleasures of love with women or with boys, be they free or slaves.
All that may come to my knowledge in the exercise of my profession or in daily commerce with men, which ought not to be spread abroad, I will keep secret and will never reveal.
If I keep this oath faithfully, may I enjoy my life and practice my art, respected by all humanity and in all times; but if I swerve from it or violate it, may the reverse be my life.

the hebrew doctors Oath of Asaph, written in the 6th century:

[1] This is the pact which Asaph ben Berakhyahu and Yohanan ben Zabda made with their pupils, and they adjured them with the following words:
[2] Do not attempt to kill any soul by means of a potion of herbs,
[3] Do not make a woman [who is] pregnant [as a result] of whoring take a drink with a view to causing abortion,

rule # 9 of the Seventeen Rules of Enjuin for doctors in japan in the 16th century
In our school, teaching about poisons is prohibited, nor should you receive instructions about poisons from other physicians. Moreover, you should not give abortives to the people.

so with all this history (and not even christian history at that) screaming abortions are bad i dont think the anti abortion factions should be painted as evil assholes, you lefties act like abortions are new or something.

All this to say.... what exactly Doc? The specifics are that Ryan did indeed attempt to have a personhood law passed. Personhood quite simply instructs that each fertilized ovum is a person and entitled to all the rights and priveleges of a person. It isn't hard to connect the dots here. That means that a "person" by way of rape or incest is not to be harmed, and abortion could be considered harm.

Ryan, as you say, paints himself by way of his nutzoid bills. Say, I thought you claimed that I was not to tar a person with his associations? Isn't this what the Ryan/Akin thing was about for you? and yet in another thread only just a few minutes ago, you seem to be incriminating Obama with his associations to Ayers and friends.

Or am I dreaming.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
All this to say.... what exactly Doc? The specifics are that Ryan did indeed attempt to have a personhood law passed. Personhood quite simply instructs that each fertilized ovum is a person and entitled to all the rights and priveleges of a person. It isn't hard to connect the dots here. That means that a "person" by way of rape or incest is not to be harmed, and abortion could be considered harm.

Ryan, as you say, paints himself by way of his nutzoid bills. Say, I thought you claimed that I was not to tar a person with his associations? Isn't this what the Ryan/Akin thing was about for you? and yet in another thread only just a few minutes ago, you seem to be incriminating Obama with his associations to Ayers and friends.

Or am I dreaming.

obama hangs with nutjobs and assholes of epic proportions by his own choosing,, ryan teamed up with a nutjob for his anti-rape bill, and that nutjob later turned out to be a wackado nutjob. if ryan hung out with david duke, joran van der sloot and phil garrido then yes, he would be of highly questionable judgement too. however,, hanging with other congressmen who later turn out to be nutty merely makes ryan's associations perplexing and troubling.

obama continues to support bill ayers as "just a guy who was in the community" and has refused to say whether he thinks bill ayer's continued insistence that he "should have done more" while plantin bombs for the weather underground,, and his continued refusal to admit that he heard all of jerry wright's shit and still stayed at that church for nearly 20 years,, and his continued appearance at functions which also invite malik shabaaz marks obama as a guy who who likes to hang out with assholes who should be in prison, and would be if they were "conservative" instead of leftists.

obama does not have to wear the albatross of every view those assholes espouse, but he must wear the millstone of his continued (and perplexing) refusal to repudiate these dinkbags and their crimes and/or inflammatory rhetoric.

ryan is being portrayed as the soulmate,, the brother from another mother of this dingbat congressman and his tone deaf bleatings about how rape is rare, and doesnt cause pregnancy, therefore if a bitch is pregnant she wasnt really raped.... thats retarded.

actual rape is far too common, and of course the "almost raped" squad will try to portray all sex as rape, bitches with buyer's remorse were raped,, bitches who need to explain how they got crabs/herpes/pregnant were raped etc...

read this shit. false accusations of rape are far too common too,, and ruin dude's lives just because a bitch decides to be a raging cunt.


heres an excerpt in context:

"Charles P. McDowell, a researcher in the United States Air Force Special Studies Division, studied the 1,218 reports of rape that were made between 1980 and 1984 on Air Force bases throughout the world (McDowell, 1985). Of those, 460 were found to be "proven" allegations either because the "overwhelming preponderance of the evidence" strongly supported the allegation or because there was a conviction in the case. Another 212 of the total reports were found to be "disproved" as the alleged victim convincingly admitted the complaint was a "hoax" at some point during the initial investigation. The researchers then investigated the 546 remaining or "unresolved" rape allegations including having the accusers submit to a polygraph. Twenty-seven percent (27%) of these complainants admitted they had fabricated their accusation just before taking the polygraph or right after they failed the test. (It should be noted that whenever there was any doubt, the unresolved case was re-classified as a "proven" rape.) Combining this 27% with the initial 212 "disproved" cases, it was determined that approximately 45% of the total rape allegations were false." ~ http://www.theforensicexaminer.com/archive/spring09/15/

and that shit is just fucking wrong. it's incredibly rare for a cunt who falsely accuses a dude of rape to actually be charged with misconduct much less malicious prosecution or perjury.

also, Duke Lacrosse.


Well-Known Member
I will begrudgingly accept your association differences.

As far as false accusations of rape, I have seen it with my own eyes in a case where the woman initialy claimed it was consentual but after her husband opted to throw her out of the house for her act, she changed her mind and filed charges against the guy. Whereby she was allowed to remain in the home.

Even so, I don't know how one cannot ignore the understanding of the woman as to what the act really was. We have to presume that if she says she was raped, it must be presumed that she was.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
I will begrudgingly accept your association differences.

As far as false accusations of rape, I have seen it with my own eyes in a case where the woman initialy claimed it was consentual but after her husband opted to throw her out of the house for her act, she changed her mind and filed charges against the guy. Whereby she was allowed to remain in the home.

Even so, I don't know how one cannot ignore the understanding of the woman as to what the act really was. We have to presume that if she says she was raped, it must be presumed that she was.
but likewise bitches who claim rape when there can be proven there was no such rape for whatever motive,, (including profit, revenge, guilt, alibi, and in a few cases just bitchiness) should be prosecuted for their crimes of perjury, and filing false police reports if they in fact lied, or in the Duke Lacrosse case made the whole thing up.


Well-Known Member
all rape is not rape,, sometimes it's just a bitch being a bitch,, a dude who assumes that the broad in the bar is over 18,, or the dude who is so drunk he doesnt realize his "willing partner" is also drunk, and thus may now charge him with rape.
i'm going to love if it if ryan gets a chance to explain this to millions of people in the debate audience. just so endearing it will be.


Well-Known Member
ryan is being portrayed as the soulmate,, the brother from another mother of this dingbat congressman and his tone deaf bleatings about how rape is rare, and doesnt cause pregnancy, therefore if a bitch is pregnant she wasnt really raped.... thats retarded.

actual rape is far too common, and of course the "almost raped" squad will try to portray all sex as rape, bitches with buyer's remorse were raped,, bitches who need to explain how they got crabs/herpes/pregnant were raped etc...
oh, keep paddling that boat up the dumb dumb river, genius.

women are just dumb bitches who are asking to be raped, too dumb to know if they were raped, and just steaming cunts who will fabricate rape tales for shits and giggles.

and yes, paul ryan and todd akin are soulmates on the isssue of abortion. there is no daylight between their views on abortion. they co-sponsored the "forcible rape" bill which i talked about way long ago when it first came up.

paul ryan and todd akin both support personhood amendments, which would ban ordinary birth control. why? because birth control, although it mostly prevents the fertilization of the egg, sometimes may keep a fertilized egg from implanting, and is thus MURDER!

you have to be batshit insane to believe in that kind of shit, and ryan and akin both believe in exactly that type of shit.

so keep on with your slut-shaming and misogyny, it's not like your savior is already 10-15 points in the hole with women and growing by the day with insane misogynistic crap like the crap you are peddling. i'll just sit back and enjoy the LULZ. pure, unadulterated, LULZ.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
i'm going to love if it if ryan gets a chance to explain this to millions of people in the debate audience. just so endearing it will be.
the truth is not always palatable. nor is it usually neat, tidy and easy to wrap up in a soundbite.

in a perfect world bitches would never get guys sent to prison for rapes that never happened

"In 2003, Wanetta Gibson, then a high school sophomore, accused Brian Banks, a star athlete, of rape. On the advice of his counsel, Banks, then 16, pleaded “no contest” to forcible rape, and served 6 years in jail for the alleged crime. After Banks was released from prison, Gibson, who successfully sued her school district for a $1.5 million settlement in conjunction with the rape charges, “friended” Banks on Facebook and later met with him to confess she had lied about being raped. She offered to help Banks clear his name, although she did not agree to repeat the confession to authorities because she feared having to return the settlement money."

"Charles P. McDowell, a researcher in the United States Air Force Special Studies Division, studied the 1,218 reports of rape that were made between 1980 and 1984 on Air Force bases throughout the world (McDowell, 1985). Of those, 460 were found to be "proven" allegations either because the "overwhelming preponderance of the evidence" strongly supported the allegation or because there was a conviction in the case. Another 212 of the total reports were found to be "disproved" as the alleged victim convincingly admitted the complaint was a "hoax" at some point during the initial investigation. The researchers then investigated the 546 remaining or "unresolved" rape allegations including having the accusers submit to a polygraph. Twenty-seven percent (27%) of these complainants admitted they had fabricated their accusation just before taking the polygraph or right after they failed the test. (It should be noted that whenever there was any doubt, the unresolved case was re-classified as a "proven" rape.) Combining this 27% with the initial 212 "disproved" cases, it was determined that approximately 45% of the total rape allegations were false."
but in that perfect world there would be no such thing as rape,, so the word would have no meaning.

sorry the world is not perfect enough for you buck.


Well-Known Member
the truth is not always palatable. nor is it usually neat, tidy and easy to wrap up in a soundbite.

in a perfect world bitches would never get guys sent to prison for rapes that never happened
it must be so tough for you to be a male in america nowadays, what with all this multiculturalism and bitches trying to get you to fake rape them.

you can cry on my shoulder if you need to. as a fellow male who has to deal with all this multiculturalism and the possibility that my wife may try to accuse me of rape at any time, i will understand.

you poor goddamned thing.


Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
oh, keep paddling that boat up the dumb dumb river, genius.

women are just dumb bitches who are asking to be raped, too dumb to know if they were raped, and just steaming cunts who will fabricate rape tales for shits and giggles.

and yes, paul ryan and todd akin are soulmates on the isssue of abortion. there is no daylight between their views on abortion. they co-sponsored the "forcible rape" bill which i talked about way long ago when it first came up.

paul ryan and todd akin both support personhood amendments, which would ban ordinary birth control. why? because birth control, although it mostly prevents the fertilization of the egg, sometimes may keep a fertilized egg from implanting, and is thus MURDER!

you have to be batshit insane to believe in that kind of shit, and ryan and akin both believe in exactly that type of shit.

so keep on with your slut-shaming and misogyny, it's not like your savior is already 10-15 points in the hole with women and growing by the day with insane misogynistic crap like the crap you are peddling. i'll just sit back and enjoy the LULZ. pure, unadulterated, LULZ.
abortion is not new,, nor are prohibitions on abortion, nor are prohibitions on abortion (or birth control for that matter) solely the province of christians. i am not a huge booster for romney,, nor ryan. i think both are shitty choices for the presidency,, i just view them as LESS shitty than obama/biden. i also do not think your wopprdgames and your feigned ignorance as to the meaning of the words Forcible Rape, or how they are different from Statutory Rape. your retarded assertion that all "rape" is RRRRRAPE! is almost exactly as retarded as the claim by akin that "legitimate rape" is rare, and never results in pregnancy.

and yes i call bitches who make false accusations of rape bitches. because they are bitches. and cunts. anyone who claims they were raped as a sop to their wounded pride because the dude may not be as rich or good looking as he seemed the night before through her beer goggles is a bitch. bitches who fuck around then say the guy she fucked raped her to explain her crabs/herpes/pregnancy is a bitch. bitches who fabricate rape charges out of whole cloth to get Gloria Allred revved up for a lolsuit is a bitch. (again Duke Lacrosse) just like assholes who stand on streetcorners shouting into megaphones about how they hate every iota of a cracker, and "we gots to kills some white babies" is a fucking racist.


Well-Known Member
Seriously? You really come off as if women don't actually do that.

No one said they do it every time, but it does happen.
no, senor kynes is trying to paint rape with a brush as to make it seem like this is some kind of huge problem, where preadtory sluts and cunts are preying on innocent men for some nefarious and unexplained reason.

he's trying to paint himself as a victim, when cases of this are EXCEEDINGLY rare.

he's just a whiny little bitch who likes to try to paint white males as persecuted victims of society every chance he gets.

he can go take his pity party somewhere else, no crocodile tears for that raging douchebag here.