Dreams I had when I was younger.


Well-Known Member
So here's the thing. I've had alot of dreams that always end up with me being in a car, being unable to brake, slow down.
A few days ago I had a dream, a very realistic dream, almost like some of my lucid dreams, My father was at the wheel and then I notice he's asleep. I slap him, try to wake him up, I understood it's no use. I pushed the brake, but nothing happened, the speed dropped only a few mph, I tried handbrake, it didn't work too well but atleast the car slowed down more. Then we hit another car. Next thing I see - police,paramedics, someone telling me my father is in a coma and then me crying for what seemed like hours. I wake up and think, well that was a weird dream.
The thing is, I didn't have a dream about not being able to stop a car a long time. And when I was younger noone was getting hurt in these dreams.
In this one... well you read it. I am not afraid of cars, or traffic etc. So I'm suprised about these dreams. What is this, weird coincidences? Brain sure does seem to be throwing some random shit dreams sometimes


Well-Known Member
It is said that the reverse is what occurs in your mind while dreaming. You obviously feel you lack control over something. Not everything but some matter you might feel helpless in or powerless to stop or control. Money? Marriage? Something you have hidden, or hidden away, in the recesses of your mind. Your pysche seeks resolution since you won't resolve it yourself.


Well-Known Member
That's weird because this is the time I actually am feeling the most control of my life ever.

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
A lot of times, our dreams represent our worries, fears and anxieties, even if we are not aware of them consciously. Even with the mere 2 second thought if a zombie chasing you in your waking life, not even time enough to notice... can manifest itself in your dream state.

The only way to beat this, is to figure out that you are in a dream while these things are happening. What helps me the most is a reality check many times a day... consciously ask myself if i am dreaming in my waking state, allows me to ask myself that in my dream state more often.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
That's weird because this is the time I actually am feeling the most control of my life ever.
...and that's the point of the dream, so far as I can see. Your 'dad' asleep at the wheel is likely to mean that your 'higher self' (not that kind of high :) ) is asleep because you are in control. Think of vehicles as states of consciousness. The dream might be asking you to let someone else drive - meaning, let them wake up.


New Member
Or... It could be you dreaming about your self sleeping in the future resulting in dejavu then waking up and not knowing why you dreamt that.

I used to have dreams about smoking white powder (family smoked cigs) I didn't understand what it was. Intill one day on my way to school this big ass black dude asked be if I wanted to score, I said, score what? He said you do coke? And I kept walking.

Point is. If I were you, avoid bein in the car with your dad, and if you have to be, you better be driving motherfucker!!


Well-Known Member
If you can- tell your dad this dream. Something similar may have happened when you were very young and now its time for your psyche to resolve it.