Dreams Dreams and more Dreams


Well-Known Member
I’d like to make this a dream log and a dream discussion thread.

I have bizarre dreams. I remember most of them when I wake up, even though I take a drug not to remember dreams.

I can remember dreams from under sedation. From childhood. It seams like they follow me everywhere.

There are a lot of dreams that have the same place and people. Even though I don’t recognize them they seem familiar and comfortable. And on the flip side, uncomfortable.

I have a running theme through my dreams that I’m at work, doing nothing but walking around talking to people. Then I get fired due to company being sold. I’ve never been fired in my life. But I have worked for a company that was sold and we did nothing for months on the advice of our boss.

I wish I knew if dreams meant anything. What do you think?

Do you dream? Do you remember them? Do you think about them? The mrs never remembers her dreams.

Last night I dreamed Perry Mason got several of us reinstated at a job and when we got back to work, the phrase “Fuck it” was now forbidden. And because Perry Mason helped us I was called on by people to help them. I was called to what was my home to get my gf out of the bathroom where she had barricaded herself, mad because I cheated on her (irl she cheated).

I have very strange dreams. 2 nights ago the dream was that I was friends with this women who lives in the hood and when some of the neighbors found out I was friends with her they didn’t like it and wanted to shake me down. I would ride my bike through their neighborhood to get home and one day they started chancing me on my bike and cornered me. Then they wanted me to play a game like a threat to let me free. They took out $26 dollars and wanted me to guess how much weed and beer would make the $26 dollars. I woke up before I could do the calculations . For a minute when I woke up I was thinking about how I could have done the calculations and how complicated it fun it could have gotten with top shelf and prices per gram and what size beer but without anyone to play with I just was kinda bummed I woke up when I did .
I have very strange dreams. 2 nights ago the dream was that I was friends with this women who lives in the hood and when some of the neighbors found out I was friends with her they didn’t like it and wanted to shake me down. I would ride my bike through their neighborhood to get home and one day they started chancing me on my bike and cornered me. Then they wanted me to play a game like a threat to let me free. They took out $26 dollars and wanted me to guess how much weed and beer would make the $26 dollars. I woke up before I could do the calculations . For a minute when I woke up I was thinking about how I could have done the calculations and how complicated it fun it could have gotten with top shelf and prices per gram and what size beer but without anyone to play with I just was kinda bummed I woke up when I did .
Don’t ya love bizarre dreams?

Was it the real neighborhood or just somewhere you knew was your neighborhood? Did you recognize anyone?

I’m gonna take a nap and see what happens.
Don’t ya love bizarre dreams?

Was it the real neighborhood or just somewhere you knew was your neighborhood? Did you recognize anyone?

I’m gonna take a nap and see what happens.
It was a very unfamiliar neighborhood but very distinct and I would recognize it immediately if I were to see it in person . The house next to my friend house was very distinguished . I could see through the garage that he had 2 really nice new corvettes . Identical year, model and color. He had a special light detector that would go on if someone pointed a red laser at his house. You know , the red dots that are on guns to help shoot your target. He had a sensor that could detect thar kind of red light and as
Soon as a red dot went on his house his sensor would produce thousands of red dots so that the shooter would not know where to shoot. Did I recognize anyone ? I think my friend was , and I absolutely hate to admit this because I despise her, but I think it was Kim Kardashien . She had a few baby’s I was admiring and she had a bad reputation in the neighborhood .
The cat used to wait till I'd start sleeping on my stomach and then climb up right under my butt and sleep......one night I farted....a good one. That cat jumped up and hit the wood floor running. I remember waking up laughing knowing exactly what happened.........oh wait dreams.....yeah I dreamed that ;-)
I don't really remember my dreams. I sleep pretty deep and well. I dont know if that has anything to do with it? One dream I do remember, that is somewhat reoccurring, is I'm making love to a beautiful woman that somewhat resembles Megan Fox but is definitely not Megan Fox and even her race and face are ambiguous and as I'm caressing her ass her cheeks turn into 2 loaves of bread and pull apart. And then I wake up. I have no idea what it means. Or why it seems to repeat. I probably have a ton of sex dreams but just can't remember them. I really liked Inception. Crazy concepts in that movie.
I don't really remember my dreams. I sleep pretty deep and well. I dont know if that has anything to do with it? One dream I do remember, that is somewhat reoccurring, is I'm making love to a beautiful woman that somewhat resembles Megan Fox but is definitely not Megan Fox and even her race and face are ambiguous and as I'm caressing her ass her cheeks turn into 2 loaves of bread and pull apart. And then I wake up. I have no idea what it means. Or why it seems to repeat. I probably have a ton of sex dreams but just can't remember them. I really liked Inception. Crazy concepts in that movie.
It means you need to get up and make a sandwich!
I don't really remember my dreams. I sleep pretty deep and well. I dont know if that has anything to do with it? One dream I do remember, that is somewhat reoccurring, is I'm making love to a beautiful woman that somewhat resembles Megan Fox but is definitely not Megan Fox and even her race and face are ambiguous and as I'm caressing her ass her cheeks turn into 2 loaves of bread and pull apart. And then I wake up. I have no idea what it means. Or why it seems to repeat. I probably have a ton of sex dreams but just can't remember them. I really liked Inception. Crazy concepts in that movie.
oooo nice, Megan Fox is gorgeous and probably nutty. Could be fun.