Dreams.....Do you dream?


Well-Known Member
Whenever I'm' smoking heavy, I never dream. If I go to sleep semi blazed however, I usually will dream.

Generally speaking I hate dreams. Always bringing up stupid shit. Last night though, I had a good dream :-) Not too often that happens.


Well-Known Member
When I'm supplied, no dreams. When I'm out, terribly vivid dreams that interefere with my sleep.


Well-Known Member
as a general rule of thumb drugs effect tyour ability to dream but if you want some crazy vivid dreams straighten out for a while then eat a load of god mouldy cheese right before bed.

crazy vivid dreams with loads of control. i love dreams


Active Member
When I smoke I have dreams but they're really realistic and then they come true they're more like visions it's too wierd . They do say weed makes you phsycic though


Well-Known Member
love dreaming. i feel no pain then. i used to have recurring dreams of tornados. the best is when i dream i'm flying. meds don't seem to affect my ability to dream.


Staff member
its not that you don't dream its that you cant remember them. but most pot smokers cant remember their dreams when they smoke a lot some can.


Well-Known Member
I would say that, when toking regularly, I still dream, but that dream recall, or possibly just memory recording, is impaired. I know I still have dreams, because I'm aware of being "somewhere else"... but when I wake up, can never remember anything about it at all... just that there was something else. (Kind of a tease really.)


Ursus marijanus
love dreaming. i feel no pain then. i used to have recurring dreams of tornados. the best is when i dream i'm flying. meds don't seem to affect my ability to dream.
I also used to have recurring tornado dreams ... usually at the beach with 6 or more twisters offshore ... beautiful. ONCE I dreamed that a funnel went directly over me ... woke up just before the Big Reveal. Bummer.
I also love dreaming about surf ... super realistic, although the "100 foot wave" days are only in my dreams. Awesome to behold. cn


Pickle Queen
I always have dreams about the world ending, or something big and bad is happening, i usualy find myself abandonned by my friends (looking for them) unable to dial my cell (it changes , like morphs into other objects) I'm always trying to collect my belongins and escape. Also i dream about flying, well that i can raise my arms and levitate and go where i please. I always remember my dreams, in details, sometimes i even become aware that i'm dreaming, that's when shit gets crazy, honestly i wake up feeling like my dream world is real and this is all a dream, ya weird shit lmfao


Ursus marijanus
I always have dreams about the world ending, or something big and bad is happening, i usualy find myself abandonned by my friends (looking for them) unable to dial my cell (it changes , like morphs into other objects) I'm always trying to collect my belongins and escape. Also i dream about flying, well that i can raise my arms and levitate and go where i please. I always remember my dreams, in details, sometimes i even become aware that i'm dreaming, that's when shit gets crazy, honestly i wake up feeling like my dream world is real and this is all a dream, ya weird shit lmfao
What happens to me at least once a day is I'll get a flash of memory ... but of a dream place/event. I try to hold onto that memory before it goes poof ... it has such a nice warm "happy place" feeling. cn


Well-Known Member
In my 4 years of daily blazing, I probably remember my dreams once every other month. I prefer it that way...I hate dreaming.


Well-Known Member
that depends, in some cases it dampens psychic ability (and others abilities it enhances)


Well-Known Member
i have dreams when its important that i have dreams

(listen to your dreams (might have to do a bit of mind juggling to understand some of them, but its usually rather simple)

(though if its really really important, you get repeated viewings)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Whenever I'm' smoking heavy, I never dream. If I go to sleep semi blazed however, I usually will dream.

Generally speaking I hate dreams. Always bringing up stupid shit. Last night though, I had a good dream :-) Not too often that happens.
I only remember my dreams when I take a break from toking for awhile. if I'm toking before I sleep, which is always lol, I never dream or if I do dream, I never remember them


Well-Known Member
It's always annoying when you have a dream that ends up actually happening... As soon as the event actually happens the feeling of deja vu sweeps over you and you instantly remember that you had a dream about said event happening. It seems like, at least in my case, sometimes I'll have a dream where I'm talking to somebody I've never met and then a month or two later I'll meet that person and they'll say something specific or be wearing something that I remember so vividly from a previously forgotten dream... I dont really buy into the whole psychic phenomonia but it is strange to say the least.

Some interesting stuff from wikipedia on the subject:
The most likely explanation of déjà vu isn't that it is an act of "precognition" or "prophecy", but rather that it is an anomaly of memory, giving the false impression that an experience is "being recalled".[2][3] This explanation is supported by the fact that the sense of "recollection" at the time is strong in most cases, but that the circumstances of the "previous" experience (when, where, and how the earlier experience occurred) are quite uncertain or believed to be impossible. Likewise, as time passes, subjects can exhibit a strong recollection of having the "unsettling" experience of déjà vu itself, but little or no recollection of the specifics of the event(s) or circumstance(s) they were "remembering" when they had the déjà vu experience. In particular, this may result from an overlap between the neurological systems responsible for short-term memory and those responsible for long-term memory (events which are perceived as being in the past). The events would be stored into memory before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information and processes it.

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
I dream like crazy. I have reoccurring dreams of being able to walk and crawl on the ceiling, I have dreams where I'm outside naked and I steal clothes off a clothesline and then steal a bike to ride home. I say weird shit when I go to sleep before my wife and she comes to bed after me. One time I asked her if her boobs were ready for fall. Another time I asked her if she had the power, and she said, "What?" Then she said I got agitated and said, "What the fuck, are you going to tell me or what?"


Well-Known Member
Tornado dreams are intense,thats funny Neer u mention being on the beach seeing tornadoes in a dream, thats where i see them most of the time.,I only get those if i think about to much bad shit or get paranoid for several days in a row.


I often have lucid dreams, where I know I am dreaming and can have fun flying around and looking at things that keep changing.. such as the text of a book, or a constantly altering landscape.

Flying is a big thing in my dreams although it doesnt happen every night.
The other big thing is my cat who died about 5 years ago.. we were inseperable for almost 20 years and I miss him terribly but I always see him in my dreams.. and it's nice to be able to pick him up and feel him against my skin again.

Yes, sometimes after a heavy session my dreams are definitely altered but usually in a positive way.
But then I have the occasional shitty dream too :(