Dreaming Big

Where's that BHO! :??: Haha.. Guess you in lala land now.. ;) Just thought I would stop in and check out everything.. Keep up the great work bro..
Got my p3 in today. :) Already started it on one clone.

Going to wait and see what happens over the next few weeks before i move on to ALL the plants.
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I may start a new thread about this whole project here.

BEECH- Where do you suggest I post the new thread? I don't wanna clog up indoor if you don't want the P3 test thread here.. :)
Let me know whenever you got some time bro. Hope everything is going well. :)
Just received an Email back from the owner.

Instead of following directions on the bottle he has given me additional instructions.

4" of pellets once a month for 2 months(basically throughout flowering.)

This may seem like strange directions to some.
The pellets look like rabbit or horse grain.
so you put them together for the length.
Can everyone understand what I mean by this?

I have added a third plant to this as well. Which is getting 4" only once from now till harvest.

So all together there are 3 Blue Dream clones being used in this.

#1) untouched
#2) 4" of pellets today, and again in 4 weeks.
#3) 4" of pellets today only.

I will be putting HUGE numbers on the from of each grow bag so you all know what's what when we are a getting near the end. :)
The pellets get pushed down into the soil inside the root ball.

The Bacillus organisms will colonize the roots, aiding in nutrient uptake.
It produces metabolites that can be anti-viral, -pathogen & -fungal.
Digests the oils in the soil; Can even turn hard garden clay into good soil.

Contains Micronutrients: Boron, Copper, Zinc, Nickel, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum.
as well as Amino Acids.
Thanks for sticking around everyone.

Gotta run out and get my sister a baby shower gift.. damn thing is tomorrow.... I just remembered. AHHHH. lol

I'll be back in a few hours.

When I get back I am cleaning the tent floor, So I will be taking pictures of everything outside of the tent. :)
Going to group strains together, so you can see how many of each I still have. lol....

Since I ended up giving a whole bunch to a buddy of mine. :)

See you all soon..
I'm not naming everything again. I named all the pictures before uploading so you SHOULD be able to do as before. Hover with your mouse and it should tell you.

Pinworm - Bet you wish you were as punk rock as my "ska checked" kitchen floor. HAHAHAHHA j/k
HAHA Chess.

Blue Dream mother and Cotton Candy mother are the Queens. The kings are both dead. HAHAHAHA But a new king is emerging. :)
The Blue Dream has very lovely structure...well, they all do,
but esp. the BD.

How many square feet do you illuminate to cover all of that?

Thanks again for sharing.

Spyder or Blue Dream?????
Ok now! What about fella's that doesn't have a "mouse" :??: I guess we are stuck clicking each one eh :??:
Well, I did.. They all are looking super good bro! :mrgreen: Can't wait to see these ladies in full bloom!!