Dreaming Big


Well-Known Member
It'll take a bit to get this whole thing off the ground. Dank may have a great plan already half way in play.

His connects in the UK can really increase our chances of getting a Brand out there.

D&S seeds. :)

Sounds better than SxI seeds.. :) unless pronounced Sexy. then it's a toss up. hahahahaha

Anyways. gotta run out for a little bit.

I'll stop in in a couple hours and be here most of the day after that. minus tent time. lol..

Take care all, thanks for the comments and everything.

Burnedout- Dank and I both started our own Breeder's threads in Breeder's Paradise.

Sub up, you may see some sick creations that could be available next year. :)
Get it going stew the community needs more stand up breeders in it.Not knocking the ones who already are out there but hey you guys are few and far between.I have no problem with someone earning a living even getting rich of seeds but there is a difference between making a good living and being a greedy dick which has nothing to do with why i posted which is.
I am very interested in what your doing here stew


Well-Known Member
hey stew you have any experience with the air pots not the smart pot but the air pot spiky looking things? I am sure you knew what i was talking about but didn't want there to be any confusion. If you have tried them what do you think?I see them and want to try them out but the price tag is a little crazy.Guess if they work really good they can be reused so it's only a one time investment..Is there such a thing in this thing we do?


Well-Known Member
They get expensive.

My grow shop owner keeps trying to get me to buy them. tells me there is a noticeable difference...

I just can't afford that kinda shit right now.

If you are only looking at it as an air pruner, go with the smart pots. they are more cost efficient and work just as well IMO. but again i have never used them myself. Just basing my answer on from what i have been told by other growers.


Active Member
Ok everyone. I started a new thread dedicated to my breeding project https://www.rollitup.org/breeders-paradise/712492-stews-breeding-project-2013-a-6.html... No more info on it will be posted here.
I will also keep my Solo cup's to the Auto contest and SxI to https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/708164-dank-stew-grow.html

That should clear this thread up for discussion about everything else and whatever you feel like talking to me or anyone else about.

Check out the breeding project. got a list of crosses that I have planned and I'd like to hear some input on them....

Bedtime for me. 4:00am. no more MODs on, Stew is off. :)
Pm sent with question


Well-Known Member
Off to the grow shop everyone.

Gonna get a MH Conversion bulb for my other 400 :) double my veg lights for now. since i can't exactly afford another light system right now

Talk to you all later!


Well-Known Member
Saving the money i was gonna spend on the 400w MH/HPS. so the next grow i will throw in a couple 1k. When i can afford it. :)... Not so much a yield i am looking for right now with all that i got going. I'm sure i'll have plenty with a full 8'x4' even with only 800w.


Well-Known Member
i do what i can. :) check out my breeder project.

the last page has a step by step cloning process with pictures. Just took 8 cuts off my cotton candy yesterday


Well-Known Member
Alright guys/gals. Heading into the tent for a while..
Have some cleaning up of dead leaves and shit to do.

Gonna clear out the canopy and spread some shit out a bit.
May move my light over slightly and put the smalls in the middle for now.

And switch it up again when i hook up light #2.

See what i can do about an update of pics and shit while i'm at it. :)

Take care. see ya again soon.


Well-Known Member
OK so i just pulled the BD mother out of her little spot in the tent.. NOW there are these small ass white bugs that i can barely see crawling all over the rim and outside of the bucket..................................................................................................................

UMMMMMMM.............. no leaf damage none on the plants. as of yet... just ran out to see what i could find out first.


Well-Known Member
not mites. but anyone with any info on tiny ass white bugs that chill near the medium please leave it for me to read when i finish up... be back AGAIN


Well-Known Member
Could be thrips. First things first, quarantine that bitch. Spray the soil with some soapy water (a little neem maybe if you have it) to drown as many as you can, then cover the soil with sand to keep em from re-grouping. About all I can think of off the top of my head, boss.


Well-Known Member
soaked the soil and pot in Safer 3 in 1 :) should be fine. think it's only aphids again. they are TINY not thrips though i looked them up...

So small i though it was mites. and FLIPPED SHIT! lol... but it is the only pot affected(also the only pot with OLD batch of soilless from SHITTY ASS GROW SHOP. lol i got new shit since. and it's clean(at least it was before i noticed this.. but i still don't see buds on the rest.