Dream herb, not letting me sleep... Any suggestions?


Active Member
So a friend gave me some of her dream herb to try out. The first night I smoked it, and drank some in tea (NASTY is not the word for that taste!). After a bit it started to effect me, I tried to sleep the entire night, and just tossed and turned the entire time. Felt like, I had block that stopped me from getting to the point of actual sleep.

Second night, I made a tincture with vegetable glycerin and took two capsules. Hit me harder this time, after about 3-4 hours. Again, tired but sleep would not come. No block feeling, sleepy but cannot sleep. All night long, but this time I had more vivid visions in my mind, and glimpses of perhaps dreams.

Tonight I'm going to take some Valerian root tea along with some capsules and see what happens. I just hope the two don't interact.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else had similar experiences? Did you ever get past them?

I know I don't dream when I'm high, so I've been avoiding smoking for several hours before bed. But maybe there's too much built up. I don't know.


Active Member
Normally I would question that question. But under the circumstances. I'm actually trying out Mexican dream herb, I don't remember the Latin spelling. I actually read several reviews, or rather accounts from others, and even my friend said it worked for her. So I take it, and have the above experience.

I'm trying to become more lucid in my dreams, but because I smoke so much pot, I don't even remember the last time I had a dream. I read someplace that pot effects our being able to remember dreaming, or having a dream. This dream herb is supposed to help with becoming more lucid and remembering your dreams. I was just wondering if anyone else had this type of experience and if/how they got past it.

I used to lucid dream when I younger, but as time went by I just stopped. So as I said, I've tried a few methods of taking the herb, but had slightly different effects, but neither allowed me to fall asleep so I could dream.