Dream Grow

dr danky doodle

Active Member
I want to grow organically.
make my own soil and nutes.
use cfls and MH and a smaller wattage HPS for vegitative stage. oh and maybe a blacklight and a reptile light for UVB. I want to use all of these lights at once and drown the mj plant with as much light as it will take. Go crazy on the lights :)
from there .. good ventilation. use distilled water. maybe Co2? read a goodnight story to them everynight and i dont see how this grow could go any better. could you? how would you all go about growing the perfect marijuana plant? the plant of gods dreams..ha


Well-Known Member
dude, your livin crazy


MH or a bank of t5s for veggins

1000watt hps lamps.

reptile light? you are dreamin

dr danky doodle

Active Member
As much as I credit you for using you're imagination, It is almost impossible to do what you want.
the only issue is money. think of how dank your buds would be if you could run all these lights at once. probably grow some monster plants. with killer trichnomes or whatever i will just call them crystals

dr danky doodle

Active Member
dude, your livin crazy


MH or a bank of t5s for veggins

1000watt hps lamps.

reptile light? you are dreamin
I could do that. And be like everyone else... boo! i know a MH for veggin but how could it hurt to throw in some cfl's? put those low wattage lightbulb lookin ones all around the plant. i dont know about a black light but im sure it emits some sort of light that marijuana plants like. And im not dreamin with the reptile light. they are pretty cheap and emit UVB which i have been reading is good for THC production. Hey now that im thinking.. why not buy a LED and put it on the plants as well. that would be cool....anyone have any experience using all different sorts of lights at one time?


Well-Known Member
dude, your livin crazy

reptile light? you are dreamin
As long as it is not a heat lamp, something like this is a great idea.
Reptileguru.com - Detail

Ask your self why MJ produces Trichomes (thc).
To protect its seeds from insects and UV light.
The increase of UVB light directly coralates with how strong a plant is. That is why I use MH until the end. Recently I have been using HPS too for yeild but I will never get rid of the MH and adding UVB light will be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
I could do that. And be like everyone else... boo! i know a MH for vegging but how could it hurt to throw in some cfl's? put those low wattage light bulb looking ones all around the plant. i dont know about a black light but im sure it emits some sort of light that marijuana plants like. And im not dreaming with the reptile light. they are pretty cheap and emit UVB which i have been reading is good for THC production. Hey now that im thinking.. why not buy a LED and put it on the plants as well. that would be cool....anyone have any experience using all different sorts of lights at one time?


CFLs will not do anything to enhance a powerful HID light, lumen are lumen, they dont stack, and even on the bottom corners of your plant I would take a 1000 watter 4' away over a cfl any day. It certainly will not help at all, but nothing would hurt per se...xept your wallet.

Im not down on supplemental side lighting but it does nothing if it doesnt produce a greater intensity on the leaf then the main bulb.

"I dont know...but im sure..."
I love that phrase

Two big light thingies, spectrum and intensity. Grow bulbs provide a good enough spectrum that the money wasted on supplemental "reptile" lights would be better spent on simply getting bigger and better conventional equipment

"and be like everyone else? boo!"

No, acually people who try and grow pot with poor planning and unresearched ideas are the majority, the real growers are a minority. Be yourself, grow good pot with HIDs.

Im not trying to insult you, but you dont sound like a super experienced grower. The biggest thing you can do to achieve your dream setup is start SIMPLE. KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID is a motto I live by, 100% organic soil. Alot of people try all types of crazy growing strats and are rapidly discouraged. Trying to do to much invites failure. Experiments are based on and require foundational knoledge, ie: how do you know if your nute regimen is good if youve never seen a deficiency?

You nee to start growing RIGHT now using PROVEN teqniques before you can go around trying to innovate.


Well-Known Member

CFLs will not do anything to enhance a powerful HID light, lumen are lumen, they dont stack, and even on the bottom corners of your plant I would take a 1000 watter 4' away over a cfl any day. It certainly will not help at all, but nothing would hurt per se...xept your wallet.

Im not down on supplemental side lighting but it does nothing if it doesnt produce a greater intensity on the leaf then the main bulb.

"I dont know...but im sure..."
I love that phrase

Two big light thingies, spectrum and intensity. Grow bulbs provide a good enough spectrum that the money wasted on supplemental "reptile" lights would be better spent on simply getting bigger and better conventional equipment

"and be like everyone else? boo!"

No, acually people who try and grow pot with poor planning and unresearched ideas are the majority, the real growers are a minority. Be yourself, grow good pot with HIDs.

Im not trying to insult you, but you dont sound like a super experienced grower. The biggest thing you can do to achieve your dream setup is start SIMPLE. KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID is a motto I live by, 100% organic soil. Alot of people try all types of crazy growing strats and are rapidly discouraged. Trying to do to much invites failure. Experiments are based on and require foundational knoledge, ie: how do you know if your nute regimen is good if youve never seen a deficiency?

You nee to start growing RIGHT now using PROVEN teqniques before you can go around trying to innovate.
He is right. Though a couple of cfl uvb bulbs wouldn't hurt but HID is where you get your lumens. Even a 1000w super hps with 150,000 inital lumens (1 foot), at 4 feet (far away) provides 9375 lumens. This is more than 5x as much as a cfl at one foot.
Here is the formula for the diminishment of light
I= L/D2(the 2 is squared) Intensity = light output (lumens at 1 foot)divided by distance squared

dr danky doodle

Active Member
the only reason for the reptile light is UVB. A MH is the only grow light that i know of that gives off UVB and in very minor amounts compared to wattage so to just buy more MH would be overbearing. just looking for a quick UVB fix because i feel that indoor plants dont get enough of it.

i like CFL for a supplemental light no matter what HID you have because there is practically no electricity to run one of these. and im sure it emits some different light that isnt found in a HID


Well-Known Member
t HID you have because there is practically no electricity to run one of these. and im sure it emits some different light that isnt found in a HID

Again, your a basically saying "I am sure there is [some benefit] (becuase of common sense) despite not knowing for sure if there is any.

First, the CFLs use little electricity compared to HIDs so they must help..ect..

Read the posts above.

The first issue is lumen intensity, which has been explained, as far as light the CFLs have a VERY specific wavelength of light they broadcast far inferior to the spectrum offered EITHER by MH or HPS.

You need to really look at your setup and think about it, your CFL might be helping but it would be otherwise wasted if the area is coved EVEN A LITTLE by the more intense and broad spectrum'd HIDs.

Now this is my biggest issue with your whole idea and someone else posting that they saw increased resin with multi lights.

I dont doubt that combining spectrums producing some kind of results, but consider this, tricome production, at least in my experience, had been very genetic. Iv grown with powerfull lights and the difference between a white widow and a thai haze is huge and has nothing to do with UVB light. It was genes and light intensity, there is signifigant difference between buds grown under a 150watt hps then under a 1000 watter.

Im not saying that UVB would not increase the resin SOMEWHAT but sacrificing a 600watter to use a 150 watt HPS and some spread spectrum bulbs will REDUCE your resin because you are eliminated one of the most important elements to getting potent buds THE MAIN LIGHT.

What im trying to say is that spreading your spectrum out is a great idea but will yeild little benefit before you take full advantage (and focus your investment) on a primary lighting source. You think that you will do better with smaller main lights and more side lights, but your only as bright and your brightest source.


Well-Known Member

I dont doubt that combining spectrums producing some kind of results, but consider this, tricome production, at least in my experience, had been very genetic. Iv grown with powerfull lights and the difference between a white widow and a thai haze is huge and has nothing to do with UVB light. It was genes and light intensity, there is signifigant difference between buds grown under a 150watt hps then under a 1000 watter.

Im not saying that UVB would not increase the resin SOMEWHAT but sacrificing a 600watter to use a 150 watt HPS and some spread spectrum bulbs will REDUCE your resin because you are eliminated one of the most important elements to getting potent buds THE MAIN LIGHT.

I both agree, and disagree with you at the same time.
Light intensity is absolutely more important than UVB light. As you said, it is in the plants genetic makeup. BUT the reason why it is in the plants genetic make up is because of uvb.
If you grew two plants, one under MH400/HPS600 and the the other under 400MH/600HPS/few UVB bulbs. I am absolutely positive the ones that have UVB bulbs as supplemental light are far stronger. I didn't read this, I have performed the experiment several times.

The majority of the lumes provided are for overall growth, not specifically to increase thc strength. Thc is the result of the plants need to survive. The more you blow wind on it the stronger the branches become. The more uvb you put on it the more it will produce thc to protect itself. Every plants goal is to survive. As indoor growers we take the plants need to protect it self away so it can use its resources for bud production. Then we manipulate it's environment to fine tune the results.


Well-Known Member
If you grew two plants, one under MH400/HPS600 and the the other under 400MH/600HPS/few UVB bulbs. I am absolutely positive the ones that have UVB bulbs as supplemental light are far stronger..
True dat, not the point.

I know your an experienced grower, would you rather have a 600 watt hps 200$ or a 150 watt HPS 99$ and 100 bucks worth of CFLs and black lights.

The OPs statement is that he can do better using small main lamps and broad spectrum bulbs for that spectrum adv. He needs to get simple and get a real light before he pisses his investments away on equipment he wont be able to take full advantage of for years.


Well-Known Member
True dat, not the point.

I know your an experienced grower, would you rather have a 600 watt hps 200$ or a 150 watt HPS 99$ and 100 bucks worth of CFLs and black lights.

The OPs statement is that he can do better using small main lamps and broad spectrum bulbs for that spectrum adv. He needs to get simple and get a real light before he pisses his investments away on equipment he wont be able to take full advantage of for years.
The 600w hps is the most efficent bulb made. It produces a whopping 150 lumens per watt. Even more than the 1000w. I will never buy a 1000w hps again for that very reason. Black lights are no good for uvb, I put up a link for a cfl 10% uvb. with HID it's 400w or more. Anything less is counter productive.

wannabe grower

Well-Known Member
Just a note, as from the posts I've read it doesn't seem to have been discussed. How many people are using eye/skin protection when they are in their rooms for any extended period? Especially if you are introducing UVb rays. These will damage your eyes and can cause/make you more prone to types of skin cancer. I have small MH(100W and HPS(140W) and I go into a room for 5 minutes or less and when I leave I still see spots for a bit or get a slight headache,(note: have since started wearing better eye protection for my visits). Just a thought better to go blind from what you yield than trying to make it would be my opinion. Post away.


Well-Known Member
Just a note, as from the posts I've read it doesn't seem to have been discussed. How many people are using eye/skin protection when they are in their rooms for any extended period? Especially if you are introducing UVb rays. These will damage your eyes and can cause/make you more prone to types of skin cancer. I have small MH(100W and HPS(140W) and I go into a room for 5 minutes or less and when I leave I still see spots for a bit or get a slight headache,(note: have since started wearing better eye protection for my visits). Just a thought better to go blind from what you yield than trying to make it would be my opinion. Post away.
When I enter my room I turn off everything but the 400w MH (blue light). Those bulbs I mentioned are 26w or 1750 lumens at one foot. 10% = only 175 lumens of uvb at on foot. at 3 feet its almost not even there.


Well-Known Member
To start with Just get the biggest MH and the biggest HPS you can afford and only use good bulbs of the right spectrum. 600w is the most efficient, but 1000w is still worth it. My last big run years ago I upgraded my lights to one 1000w MH and one 1000w hps and holy fuck the Jack Herer I was growing became incredible. Don't screw around with a lot of little lights, just go for two big ones.

I haven't used c02 yet or manipulated the temps or added UVB specifically but when you have a big halide like that it sure throws plenty of UVB.

I need to put a pair of sunglasses near my grow closet, but I keep forgetting and am practically blind when I come out of my grow. I hope that doesn't add cumulative eye damage. Does it?


Well-Known Member
To start with Just get the biggest MH and the biggest HPS you can afford and only use good bulbs of the right spectrum. 600w is the most efficient, but 1000w is still worth it. My last big run years ago I upgraded my lights to one 1000w MH and one 1000w hps and holy fuck the Jack Herer I was growing became incredible. Don't screw around with a lot of little lights, just go for two big ones.

I haven't used c02 yet or manipulated the temps or added UVB specifically but when you have a big halide like that it sure throws plenty of UVB.

I need to put a pair of sunglasses near my grow closet, but I keep forgetting and am practically blind when I come out of my grow. I hope that doesn't add cumulative eye damage. Does it?
2 600w HPS and one 400w mh use 400w less power and because you get more lumen per watt on with the 600, they run cooler and therefore can be put closer, and they cover a larger area having 3 points of light, they actually provide more light for the plant. Lets not forget light during the seedling/clone/initial veg growth stage does not need to be that powerful. Why run a 1000 when you can run a 400w and still have more light than needed? More/bigger is not always better. Indoor growing is about controlling environment. The more combinations that are available to you, the more you are able to fine tune the results. SURE 2 1000's will have no problem doing the job. But I could press my pants with a steamroller, and still get better results with an iron.