Dreaded droopy leaves and brown spots


Well-Known Member
hi all

ok having some problems here, i'll take pics tonight when i get home so people can have a better visual geeze.

Plant Info: plants born from disregarding dirty old seeds from deal to a big ass pot with palms in it, and spent its first 2 weeks alive outside in the wilderness, then i talked my mate into some of these orphins (got 3 off him) then took them on a 2hr journey home:-?...in which they spent another 2.5 days sitting outside feeling sorry for themselves:twisted:....then light and shroud arrive:hump: now they have been under 18/6(100W cfl) for 3 weeks now (going onto 4th week tomorrow.)

Problem: 2 of the 3 plants Leaves (and plant in general) have gone droopy, and have developed brownish/golden patches and spots.

What i did to cause: re-potted to larger pots, using potting mix as a base, gave a drink of close to 1L each (probably not such a good idea:oops:). Came back 12-24 hrs later and the plants look like they want to keil over and kark it:finger::cuss:....

Things i think it might be: fkd if i know, but.....arrrr no, i don't have a clue.:-?

HELP PLEASE....Im a friend in need who just happens to have weed lol.
cheers all


Well-Known Member
ok to me and I am no expert it looks like either nute burn or a deficiency . It could also be your ph is to high or low


Well-Known Member
If I were you i would go buy a bottle of Super Thrive 10 dollors) and mix 1/4 teaspoon per gallon water and just feed them that every water. But make sure the soil dries a bit to allow oyxgen to the roots . then water moderately until a little run off from the bottom. continue this . Also you may loose those leaves if so cut them and let the plant move its energy elsewhere. Make sens? I had that prob and that is what I did but others here may say different. I just wanted to offer my experience . good luck


Well-Known Member
thanks heaps fellas, i'll look into those things mentioned and see what i can come up with...:peace:


Well-Known Member
good luck I am only offering help so you become better.
your a saint mate, i find it excellent here, eyeryone is genuine and helpful...bloody great site here.

well i butched the two culprits up a bit...just got rid of the real bad leaves (ones with 75% or more browness). bought some soda water and gave the plants a fine misting with the light off, i also decided to force flowering to see if i can somehow fix them this way (i was smashed when the idea popped into my head and it seemed good at the time):mrgreen:

anyway i'll post some more pics in a couple of days.

cheers all!!:peace:


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you need more light? did you say 100w cfl for three plants? o_O keep us posted on how everything looks. if i had to make a guess i would say that your water ph is off or you have some nasty water, try filling up gallon jugs and letting them sit out for atleast 24 hours before using them to water. from what i was told, or read, whatever the case was, if you let it sit out all that nasty chlorine and other minerals,chemicals, that they put in the water to clean it these days will evaporate and the ph should steady out.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you need more light? did you say 100w cfl for three plants? o_O keep us posted on how everything looks. if i had to make a guess i would say that your water ph is off or you have some nasty water, try filling up gallon jugs and letting them sit out for atleast 24 hours before using them to water. .
thanks for your reply, i got another 100W CFL coming next week, and im going to start to do that now (water sitting out) water in oz atm is getting pretty scarce so it's probably all full of crap.:roll:

thanks heaps guys keep the info rollin


Active Member
I had plants that looked like yours about a month ago in a room where the temps would get very hot, so we attributed the problem to heat stress of some sort (as opposed to a defficency of any kind) Other plants which were closer to the air flow looked fine. The group that looked brownish were more in a corner where the airflow was poor. I would try and lower the temps however possible and see what happens, I think they might snap out of it. Mine did.


Well-Known Member
I had plants that looked like yours about a month ago in a room where the temps would get very hot, so we attributed the problem to heat stress of some sort (as opposed to a defficency of any kind) Other plants which were closer to the air flow looked fine. The group that looked brownish were more in a corner where the airflow was poor. I would try and lower the temps however possible and see what happens, I think they might snap out of it. Mine did.
actually that just might be it!, when we re potted i also moved the fan to hang from the above bar (used to sit on the floor basicially always on the plants....is this good? i thought it was bad) so when it's on the air is just being bounced off the walls and more so creating circulation rather then directly on the plants....

cheers mate