Dr60 test 1 finished


Well-Known Member
This information is provided by me; through multiple tests i Can say with 100% confidence, the Secret Jardin DR60 will handle a Phantom 400w HPS under the following conditions>

This is my situational experience>>>
--the following information i when the light is on--

-If Tent (DR60) is in a closet/room that stays between 68-75 degrees


-If 400 watt Hps bulb is housed in a econowing reflector


-If A 4 inch sun leaves wind tunnel is extracting/sucking air from the top port


-If a 4 inch booster is blowing air into one of the bottom ports


! i also keep all flaps closed and the strings tightly pulled so the only air going into the tent should come through the intake which is sucking air from the room the tent is in; temps are 68-75 degrees in the room and in turn, the temps in the tent are usually +2 sometimes +3 degrees, but it works just fine with 400 watts of hps pounding down 6-10 inches away from the beautiful tops...

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE the econowing is diagonal in the tent and i have 2, 6 inch clip on fans blowing air around under the light; one is clamps to the rear of the tent blowing air across the light and the tops of the plants. Another fan is clipped directly onto the end of the reflector blowing directly on the light and across the tops of the plants.

Please hit me up if you have any questions or comments about the Secret Jardin DR60. I really like my tent and hope to add another Secret Jardin tent to my arsenal very soon, maybe even the DR120

TEST 2 will conclude around the 2nd week of december in which I will have yield Reports for a Mr. Nice G13xHP from Sensi seeds from seed grow in the DR60 under 400watts. wish them luck.


How do I sub?

I'm really interested in this experiment as i am looking to get a small tent and use 400w hps lighting. I have a few questions:

1. Got any pics of the plants and/or setup? Would love to see what i could be potentially growing.
2. Is it the new DR60 II or the old one?



Well-Known Member
It is the new dr60 and I will try to explain my set up to you when I get home from work today. As of right now I do not know how to post pics, I only use my iPad... I should post the description of my setup in a few hours, right now massive bong rips to the nog and off to work, late again....


Well-Known Member
no pics i have ipad and can't figure out how to get stuff from there to computer to but i may have just had an epiphany... too bad i already typed all this>>

The tent is a dr60 ll, and it is inside of a closet 5x2. it is on the right side of the closet with the door opening inside the closet. this means, i have to slide my clothes over to open the door and look at my whores.THE SPECS- follow me here>>> ">" means direction of air flow---- 6 inch port at top right of tent>> 6 inches of ducting>> attached to bottom of a 4x22'' inch phat muffler>> attached to a sun leaves 4'' wind tunnel >> 12'' of ducting >> and then attached to a 4x26'' carbon filter. the fan runs continuously to cover up the stank. the fan is mounted above the tent with the muffler attached vertically. paper towel between the wall and fan for a pad. the filter sits on a shelf above the tent that runs the length of my closet. ballast is there too, with a power strip mounted above the back right of the tent beside the muffler.
inside the tent i have a 400w super hps with a econowing reflector. it is on the adjust-it pulleys. i have a 6'' clip fan, with the clip off, hanging down to the reflector blowing directly on the bulb. i also have another six inch clip fan that is attached to the back left pole blowing across the tops of my plants. helps me keep the light 6'' away from the tops of my plants too.
now for the neat part! i have 4 maxipots in the tent. they are square. i put 2 pots in the tent and then i have a 4'' ecoplus duct booster fan that has about 24'' of ducting attached to it; i took the the fan and positioned it on the lip of the pot in the back right and slid another pot in, to hold it in place. the ducting is in the shape of an S and connects to the 6'' air port on the lower right side of the tent. this fan brings air in from my bedroom which stays a cool 68-75 degrees. i have the flaps closed because i want the windtunnel to pull the fresh air through the canopy. the fan blows right in the middle of the tent. i would suggest putting panty hose of a carbon insert on the end of the ducting because my friends describe my house as sterile, but i still have dust collect in the 4'' booster which is NOT GOOD. and build up of dust inside the fan or on the blades restricts the already week air flow. all and all i know the plants love the fresh air that circulates under the canopy. i think with the flaps open it pulls the tent in, due to the exhaust, and pulls the air right along the sides of the ten and right out, possibly leaving stale air in the middle of the tent. i like to think that my tent is a constant cirulation of fresh air in hopefully ever cubic inch inside it.

my plants are 14 days into flower, 37 days from when i put the seeds into a cup of water. 13 seeds in water on day 1 and on day 2 i put them in dirt, some had not even cracked yet. 12 popped and i now have 9 in flower. 1 never came up, 2 were not keeping up and 1 was male. i have one plant that shows female but i did pull a sac off it, the rest of the plant is starting to swell with bud. i have 2 main canopies. one is a completely full under canopy that fills the tent to the edges. it is from all of the lower branches that have stretched up to get light. no shit when Sensi Says the g13xhp is easy to clone. i could have take maybe 100 off of nine plants. they branch out for sure. i have grown this strain twice and both times fimd the first set of 7 to get 6 perfect colas without LST. i repair without LST. in this current grow i did't chop tops at all but the bottom branches stretched to the light and then just stopped once they got it. it made a fucking awesome canopy. this plant is amazing in the dr60 it looks like a scrog with a screen, but there are 9 bulbous mounds coming out of the top. i cut the lowest 6'' off of the plants and there is about 2.5' of fucking straight up jungle building into the canopy which i know i said already, but is completely full. it is dark under neath is 5-10 degrees cooler than above it when the lights are on. i use fox farm ocean forest in the bottom of the pots and there is 4 inches of light warrior on the top. general organics. when i water all 4 pots with 1-1.5 gallons of water total. each pot gets 25% of that so about a 1/4 of a gallon. i water with a a roundup chemical sprayer i got from the local hardware store with a misting tip. it provides an even spread of water along the dirt and at the very end of the watering, the solution starts to drip into 10'' saucers i have under the maxipots. i dont test the water cuz the results scare me. i have huge water problems where i am so i let the organics do what they will and have some blind faith. water out of tap is 7.9 and when i add GO it comes down to 5.0 or something ridiculous that makes me think oh fuck? but the active bacteria and stuff fuck and shit and the eat the shit and then shit the shit out and fuck in it in turn making the ph rise, and i believe the soil does the rest in buffereing it out. my plants look great, better than in my last DWC run, however i also used GO in that, talk about a fucking nightmare! but it worked and the flush was the best i have ever had. i mean a DWC flush is the shit!!! but this time i should not really have to ''flush'' in the dirt with this line just maybe use .5 gallon of fresh water for each pot so that i have a little more runoff than usual. anyway picture would have made this so much easier and i actually had to type it twice cuz my ipad and rollitup fucking hate each other but whatever i hope this is sufficient. let me know if u understand any of this and if u have any questions i am happy to tell you about anything i have experienced.


sounds like you got some nice plants growing. Look forward to seeing some pics and hearing about the harvest. I am so undecided on whether to get the dr60 or budbox intermediate. I have room for both but i like the idea of being more stealthy. This being said i am considering the dr90 just because i know i will want an air-cooled hood.


Active Member
Hey man stumbled upon your thread and was just curious if you could answer a question for me. I am as well rocking the dr60 which i must say I love it so far. I'm growing 3 ladies inside this tent so far and was curious as to about what height should i switch my plants into flowering. I really want to utilize the height in this tent as 2x2 isn't the widest area for growth. I Have 2 sativas and one indica. I'm hoping to lst a little to make an even canopy and just let them get as tall as they can. I know there is much to consider when asking this question, but I'm looking for a general idea of the MAX height i should let them veg.

Your grow sounds pretty nice. Do you have any pics of it I would definitely love to see your grow.


Well-Known Member
If you know what strain you are growing, check to see if it has a medium or high growth rate during flower. I am growing g13xhp from sense and they say it doesn't grow much during flower but my plants always double in size during the last 8 weeks. Height is an issue for me... I have my light zip tied now as high as it will go in the tent and the lowest. Next time I am gonna try a scrog with two plants and veg a lot longer ... I only veg'd my plants this time a week and I had to cut to tops off and bend one over(shoulda cut it but it's gonna be at least 10 g donkey dick bud now) and they are to the top of the tent. I am only running 400 watts in it so I only get about 18 of good light, this is why height is an issue. I am a mess right now and don't know if this helps but to be specific give you plants at least 2 feet of grow room during flower...if they are 12" during veg they will prob be 3 feet tall in the end


Active Member
how many girls do you lot get in your dr60's? I did 4 first go which was a squeeze and doing 3 this time. I'm tempted to just let 1 grow into a tree next go.


i got 4 skunk 1s in my tent atm bout 5-6 weeks in flower 11 liter pots 400w im thinking 6 or 9 6.5 liter pots next time now thats gunner be a full tent


Well-Known Member
i am so bummed out that these are the only pics i can get off my camera but i had 9 plants in there and it worked...... but i would stick with bigger pots and just go more plants.... when i inspected the roots on these plants, they had filled up these pots but were not crowded or overgrown; even with the pots that have 3 plants in them. one pot had just one plant in it and it had about the same amount (of roots) as the others...... the ones hanging are what i cut off. but at one point in time all of that was crammed into a dr60



Well-Known Member
from the pics above>>> there were 9 plants there and i can only count 8, so one is actually missing and it was just as big as the rest i think it was the one that fell when i was taking them out.... i had one that was top heavy and tied it to the corner pole in the tent and when i cut the string it went down...