DR120 Sealed Grow

hey guys

i have a couple of questions i would like to ask, sorry if there abit noobish

im planning on growing in a DR120 and i wanna use Co2, and from what i have read, i need to make it a sealed enviroment

This bit is going to sound very noobish, but how do i create and sealed grow in a DR120 using air cooled lights ?

its just that im soo confussed on how to do it, i have tryed reading alot about it, but cant find anything about it

and i was hopeing someone could explain for me

thanks for reading and i cant wait for some positive feed back

Plant Guru

There are several ways to get extra CO2 into your grow tent. Try looking at this article: http://www.hydrofarm.com/articles/co2_enrichment.php . Proper control of the CO2 is very important. If you're not careful the gas will replace the oxygen in the area. Usually until you have some experience in growing in a tent, controlling the soil moisture, air temp, pH... etc. you might want to wait for adding CO2. Start simple. Become familiar with a basic grow before worrying about accelerating photosynthesis with CO2.


Well-Known Member
You make the room the tent is in sealed not the tent. Suppose you could do it in the tent if you seal up the passive intakes on the tent and seal up all the duct socks and electrical socks. Makes it harder to control temps id imagine cause a lot of floor space would get taken up for an air conditioner. That's why its better to do the whole room.