

Is he not one of the best writers ever? Theodor Seuss Geisel aka Dr.Seuss

My favorite character is the Lorax

whats your favourite childhood book author or character

ps. To all you people who view and don't normally post you can post on this page.
The original Winnie the Pooh. Not the Disney version. I even have the book with the original illustrations.

Growing up I was a big fan of Yurtle the Turtle. I liked him so much my mom got me a stuffed animal of him. It was so cool because his shell had a velcro strap, you could open it , sort of like a hidden compartment. Man, I had that stuffed turtle until I was like 15. I hid my first ounce in his shell. !! To this day , I don't know what happened to it. :(
Also when I was in 5th grade I remember reading "Phantom Toll Booth" . Wow, you just brought back some serious memories. !!
Also when I was in 5th grade I remember reading "Phantom Toll Booth" . Wow, you just brought back some serious memories. !!

Defiantly one of the most fucking awesome books of all time, so glad you named that one because I would have forgot.
Robert Munsch , the berenstain bears books,


once i was a little older it was goosebumps, shivers, spine tinglers, bone chillers, the secrets of droon,
The Adventures Of The Bailey School Kids
Goosebumps ! Lolplololol ! This is a little off topic but do guys remember nick at nights " are you afraid of the dark" !? That show used to scare the shit out of me !! I won't even lie !
Scary Poems for Rotten Kids - Sean O'Huigin. Scared the piss out of me when I was very young.
A Promise is a Promise - Robert Munsch.

This one Dr. Seuss story sticks out in my mind, one of my favorites as a young lad, The Butter Battle Book. Supposed to be a commentary on the cold war, though I was unaware of it at the time.


I just noticed driving through Hollywood that a new Dr. Seuss movie is coming out . "Lorax" it comes out on March 2nd. I'm def. going to get nice and toasty before I go see it with the GF !!