Dr Krippling Incredible Bulk (soil)

I read using hydrogen peroxide is your best bet to clean your res. as I'm changing the water in my DWC buckets, that's what I've been doing and it seems to be working great! White roots and thick and healthy.

I'm sure there are specific products out there for res cleaning, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it
if its staying away from yours that's great, my dwc run was near summer and you could imagine the heat issues we have here, I'd do it with a cooler or in winter but never in the warmer months again
power plant day 58

Incredible Bulk just topped for 8 mains, expecting explosive growth now, she has about 6 weeks to make up :) didn't help her much going from soil to hempy then topping probably too early and transplanting her to the 20ltr bucket, cooking her a bit with nutes and switching between mh and hps, she is under the hps full time now.
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Incredible Bulk just topped for 8 mains, expecting explosive growth now, she has about 6 weeks to make up :) didn't help her much going from soil to hempy then topping probably too early and transplanting her to the 20ltr bucket, cooking her a bit with nutes and switching between mh and hps, she is under the hps full time now.

Yeah she will take off now i can see growth now so means her root system must have built up now so she should take off :)
yes,, i called about them $500.00 per light, 315 watt covers same as a 600 watt hps with less heat and 1 bulb covers veg and bloom 20,000 hour bulb,, wich means a bulb in ur 12/12 room will last over 4 years before it needs to be replaced .. new bulb is 90 bucks but a single bulb that lasts that long is surly worth it..
im ordering 2 ans replacing my 2 600 watt hps with 2 315 watt cdl's...my electric bill will be cut in half, i should get them in 6 weeks.. ill be able to tell u guys if they are just as good or better than my 600hps's in 3-4 months... i really hope they are as good as they say...if you want to check them out..
www.boulderlamp.com agro 315watt CDL...
critical,, please check out that CDL and let me know your thoughts..i live in the middle of knowwere so i cant get the money from the bank till tomorrow,,but plan to order 2 of them on thursday...unless you guys tell me otherwise, or to stick with my tried and true hps..i thought of trying led but a 600 watt led covers same area as a 600 watt hps so no real electric savings and in my opinion buds are always better with hid lighting...led is to expensive and lights bought today will be out dated in a year or so,,ive been wanting to save on electric wile keeping my bud size,, i hope this is it??? thoughts,,,anyone???
try it mate. how much are they?
$500.00 per cdl, includes reflector,ballast,1 bulb, and cord for 220 or 120.. 1 bulb lasts 20,000 hours no bulb changes for 4.5 years in bloom room, spectrum of bulb is like having a mh and an hps, 3100k par value closest to sun of all indoor lighting. 1 315 watt lamp should cover a 4x4 area like a 600 watt hps but with more blue added to the red spectrum.
im ordering 2 cdl lamps tomorrow, $1,100.00 with shipping n tax,, i might buy an extra bulb for $90.00 just in case..hope it produces equal to or better than my 600 hps's,, ill save an average of $200.00 a month on my electric bill going from 12oo watts to 630 watts in my bloom room alone.. i might switch my veg room to cdl after i see how they work,, after all, my veg room is a big electric bill running 2 400 watt hps at 20/4 sced..i could buy 1 cdl to replace the 2 400's in my veg area cutting from 800 watts to 315 watts in my veg room..but im just buying 2 for now,,,if it works ill buy another one for my veg in a few months...