Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
morning gang! have some pics to show y'all but the camera is charging so I'll post em later in the day...

anyways, I am able to get an aquaponics system where you raise fish in the resevoir and you have plants growing on top. the fish poop* fish emulsion* supposed to feed the plants. pretty cool stuff. self sufficient too. you can eat the fishys later also...... I was wondering if I should get it?? any comments???? I am unsure yet.:confused:

anyways, the hijack has a real nice top cola going on right now.... it just started flowering a few weeks ago so it got a ways to go...the hairs are really long and smellls really good.... I have a picture of it..the top cola. can't wait till it starts swelling in the later weeks!!! also found another snail by the hijack...what do you guys think about using straight up snail bait???? never used it before.... is it healthy enough to use near the sweet maryjane?? is it healthy?? does that shit kill the good bugs too???

I did use the beer like you said to CJ, but the fucking dogs loved that shit! they mopped it all up!!!! Arghhhhh:wall: :cuss: :cuss:


Well-Known Member
hey man .... I have something called Alaskan fish emulsion and that's what I start my girls on ....its been good. Gotta have superior aroma management equipment and skills ..... hehehehehe ...... snails? roast 'em and eat 'em ..... hahahaha! predators of snails? birds, mice? weasels? birds? ok said that twice .... interesting challenge .... not sure what else to say. I like beer too. but not after the dog has drunk it ..... walking on and far far away from THAT one!!~~~~


Well-Known Member
what up doc.
damn snails. and thirsty dogs.
i havent heard of that type of grow. may be interesting.is it a large investment?

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey guys, I use fish emulsion too Tahoe. the smell reminds me of something the Dr. is very familiar with, but we're not gonna go there!!!!! LOL !! but yeah, it's hella fishy!!

it costs about 3 Franklins...not too much, I guess. figuring once it's up and running, it supposed to be easy to use. gotta watch the ph though. hydro is surely not my cup of tea...I gotta learn sometime though, right?! but, I think it's like 30 site or something. used for growing veggies really, but I'm sure it could be used for the herb...if you check craigslist and go to the kauai area, it's under garden or something....I'll try to see if I can pull it up.....


Well-Known Member
doing some reading and searching on your snail problem.
this vid has a couple tips. will keep looking for dif methods for you.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey, thanks buddy. I tried the salt ring around the plant, and it does work, but it rains so much overnight over here that the salt dissolves.ever heard the song 'Misty Morning' by Bob?? I think he was talking about Kauai..anyways, I will try the bark method though...I'll let y'all know if that works. as far as collecting the slugs by hand.....I do do that but what I do is like you said earlier boss,, catapult them into the neighbors yard!!!! when they're not looking, of course ;) heheheheh

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
awesome video bro. I am gonna go that route. the video actually helped. I would've put the snail bait right next to the plants!! LOL I will use cinnamon too. make it a daily routine in the evening along with my waterings... gotta check out that copper tape too. should work. thx pal!!!!


Well-Known Member
greasing 'er up more likely .... nature is soooo awesome .... I can't believe I made a career out of it .... and now this hobby ..... too friggin amazing! Walking on into the bliss of nature!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
some pics :joint:

the cola is the hijack.....

some pictures of supercropping.....

pictures of my hijack clones and the GDP. notice the tight nodes on the GDP. I took these pictures this morning. I have a few more pics to post. I will post them later this evening. should be some cool stuff......

stay tuned :peace:



Well-Known Member
Fuck it bro. Next time camo up.hide real good.(to avoid being caught)
turn the paintball gun up. See if you can paint his ass.
Dont listen to me. I am a bad man.lol


Well-Known Member
hey man ... plants r looking sweet ... excellent work for you ..... planes .... yea .... wtf is with that ... looks like a tourist plane kinda? but I don't know these things .... maybe they want you to think that .... regardless .... plants are looking awesome.