Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
Aloha breh, been growing those orchids you gave me, but I had to give them over to a serious orchid grower, since I no longer have the yard! 4/5 made it and were looking happy

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
What up RandomKindness. You still had the orchids? Right on Hawaiian. And ya, this thread is no joke:D heheheh:leaf:

Much love and thanks again to all who participated and made this journal what it is. And to all the silent viewers, thanks for viewing:leaf: ... Funny how I ended my journal and now with the new format, it's all about the blogs, and journals as we know it now, will be a thing of the past.....told you jah whispers in my ear;)

4:20, over and out:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
He said this thread is done... He'll be back@!! DG, I got a old stipper friend who just moved ur way. LOVES ERYTHANG! PM!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I'll get some pics, might be R-rated though ;) hahahahaha

I'll be back with another grow of some kind in the near future, I'm just busy trying to work my way to be a billionare right now:cool: and yes cph, the medicating never stops :D bongsmilie . bongsmilie . bongsmilie......:eyesmoke: ooh ya!!

One Love Gang



Well-Known Member
By hook or by crook we shall keep the island thread Alive, the thread of LOL!

Nice tune Dr G.

It's sunny in the Northern hemisphere bru. happy days.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
This journal was the shit. Can't wait for the next one. I might be seeing you at the beach brah. Stay irie!


Well-Known Member
Aight D, she told me to tell u. Shes on Maui. To send her pix... I told her u were a super buff, surfer. Didnt tell her how we met:)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Aight D, she told me to tell u. Shes on Maui. To send her pix... I told her u were a super buff, surfer. Didnt tell her how we met:)
hahahahaah! Mauai's got some killer babes yo!... I'll send her a pic:D ...shoot me a pm of her e-mail when you get a chance or I'll shoot you mine. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Yeah Maui got some bomb girls. The kine I like and never get. Local girls driving lifted yotas with a pekake in there ear. Here on Oahu only get japs in civic with hello kitty stickers and stuffed animals all over the place.