Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
Holy Moly:shock: lol

looking kinda crazy!! Nice!:D I gotta check it out:cool:

Keep em coming gang!! :clap:
Crazy indeed!! Never completely came around for me. She should smoke real good!

You've got some real nice colors going too Doc!! Gotta love the winter growing! I can't grow in paradise but I can bennefit from the cool temps!!

Looks delisious!!

I want a purple plant!
Would you believe it's snowing right now and I have my AC on? ..ugh.
Again Babs, I wish I could share...:-(

I do have clones of her and hope too breeder her with some seeds that I was lucky to get! Maybe they'll be available eventually.;-)


Well-Known Member
DOC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw the word "food coloring" on the first sentence!!!
I will give no credence to this!!!!---You're such a tease. :cuss:


Well-Known Member
OK, I read a "few" more posts........maybe I'll further investigate. After all, who am I to judge at this conjecture? I feed my plants tea, as in the kind I drink. :weed:...they adore it.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3831978]so when we getting an update Doc?[/QUOTE]
hahaha!:lol: the update is a page or 2 back. I updated last night:D still gotta update the other site though, the one that had the hunters. maybe later on this week, thx for stopping by SICC:leaf:

hey babs, check it out girl. maybe the food coloring is a turn off but the author got a little credentials;) lol


Well-Known Member
lol I think you're missing his update from last night. The pic I bumped was his, here's another!! Sorry for jacking your thread with all my porn Doc!


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Ahaha! SICC made me confused!lol

hey cph, this thread was made for sharing. you and everyone else is welcomed to Jack this thread anytime! I don't mind at all:hug:

I gotta thank y'all for the support you all have given kkday and I. It really helps on those days we are not in the mood or motivated.

One Love..


Well-Known Member
Hey Dr, (and Kkday) I was checking your update the other day and I thought I had replied with a question but I guess it was all in my imagination, haha. So perhaps you have mentioned this before, but are you guys bothering to flush the girls before cropping. I would imagine that could be a real pain in the arse having to lug up extra water and watch it vanish into the ground....

Peace, DST

EDIT, just wanted to bump something that I got from the guys in the UK. Airopots!! check them out, I have just ordered 10 of them, and when you compare them against normal pot growth (Don Gin and T has done it) you can really see the difference in the plant size!!

They have holes in the sides of the pot that are cone shaped, the roots grow into the cones then get snubbed out when they are exposed to the air. This then promotes further root development from the main tap root as far as I am aware (so roots no longer grow round and round the pot!!! Simple and ingenious. Oh, and also made in Scotland, hahaha


Well-Known Member
hahaha!:lol: the update is a page or 2 back. I updated last night:D still gotta update the other site though, the one that had the hunters. maybe later on this week, thx for stopping by SICC:leaf:

hey babs, check it out girl. maybe the food coloring is a turn off but the author got a little credentials;) lol
Everyone missed the pictures because of me.....I missed them too.
OK, sorry Doc.....less babbling and more lurking.

...ugly plants as usual.
You never tell us what they are though.:wall:

I'm moving to Hawaii!!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
Are they not Weed plants? hehe, sorry, Babs couldn't resist.....I think the purply ones are Mango's and the Green bushy numbers are Afghan X Kush....


Well-Known Member
Just beautiful.. Glad to hear your back at work . So am I and it's been kicking my ass as well. Even worste I'm doing a job for a f1riend so that means all of hard work and very little pay. Das ok atleast I get to help out a friend as well as prove to myself I can handle jobs on my own. Without my boss even tho he is very cool and we get stoned all day at work. LOL I just rather be my own boss. We gotta kick it when we both have a day off brah. I like sample all these killer buds you guys get. Plus I like you try some of mine.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hey y'all, thx for stopping by!!

glad you found the updates SICC. lol :lol: thx for the pic bump

what up DST. we don't really flush per se, but the last 2 waterings before harvest we give straight water, so I guess you could call it a semi-flush. and your right, don't wanna really waste water on flushing. you're also right on the money with the strains, the purple is the mango and the other is the OGkush x afghan.:clap: and your link didn't work for me:( by the sounds of it though, kinda sounds sorta like a smart pot. I love em! kkday and I used one and we reallly liked the results. come summer time, we probably are gonna run a few more.

eh tunda, what's up hawaiian! glad you stay working too brah. and I know what you mean about helping out friends, it's pretty much all for aloha. karma going get you though, gaurantee. give aloha and you going get aloha, but you allready know that.:leaf: and yeah cuz, we gotta hook up sometime soon. try each others stash out. I give you one call when I get some time. thx for the kind wordz my braddah.

HI babs:hug: making everybody miss the updates, shame on you:cuss: and your right, they're not just ugly, they're hella ugly!lol:lol: ...moving to hawai'i eh? you allready know what I'm gonna say.........
........... I'm still waiting