Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
depends on how much moisture the plant has when you pull it. I'd say a few days to a week in the bag and then into the jars... another person to ask would be DST, he does the technique also. I haven't done it in awhile though. I haven't handled the drying and curing since my exodus from kauai. kkday and aunty lehua take care of it now. :D I'd have a hand in it too but where I lay my head right now is not 420 friendly:( I really need to move!!


Well-Known Member
Thats a good reason to move! Hope everything works out for you!

I just cut a few sample and don't have a real good place to hang them right now. They've already hung for a day so hopefully it doesn't take to long!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
let me know how it smokes CPH, tell me if that MN tastes like grapes,, or blackberries!! :weed::hump:

oh yeah, one more thing. I do hang them a little before they go into the bags, once again, depends on the moisture content of the plant at the given time:peace:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
What's cookin'? maybe you remember pinkus ;-) he was a good joe who got a bad rap :hump::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::eyesmoke::bigjoint:
yeah man!! I remember him!! very cool dude. miss the dude. thanks for stopping by! welcome too my journal and if you ever see pinkus, tell him the doc say's what's up!! :D thx for coming by, much appreciated:leaf:


Well-Known Member
They should be good. I'm 100% on the 20 or so clones I've taken so far. I haven't tried it with a plant 5 weeks in flower though. How long does that paper bag dry/cure method usually take?
depends on how much moisture the plant has when you pull it. I'd say a few days to a week in the bag and then into the jars... another person to ask would be DST, he does the technique also. I haven't done it in awhile though. I haven't handled the drying and curing since my exodus from kauai. kkday and aunty lehua take care of it now. :D I'd have a hand in it too but where I lay my head right now is not 420 friendly:( I really need to move!!
Hey Dr, CPH, I am usually hanging around 5 days, when the smaller twigs are snappable, I then snip the buds of the main branches and bag them. They are in bags for 2-3 days normally. I just turn the buds in the bags a few times a day....seems to even out the drying nicely. Gives a shout if you need any more info.

Hey Dr, did you move from that house you had at the start of your Thread? I always imagined that to be on a cliff looking over the sea, all peaceful with a small private dirt track and that lovely little private garden.....and you ain't there now:wall:. Did I miss the move or something:-o. You got to give me a new image to keep in my mind of how chilled it is on the Island bru....it's a nice place I go when I am stoned!!! And now you is in a non420 friendly zone. Big Baws to that. Hope it works out for you.

Peace man,


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Yeah DST, I moved back in august or September
, can't remember. I started this journal way back in march I believe... or april, don't remember:dunce:lol

The place where I lived was awesome. Kauai is awesome. I'll be back there one day, when the time is right. I miss Kauai....

I'll get you some pics of Oahu. There's a few sweet spots here:D

And yup, not 420 friendly. That's why I do the guerilla thing now.. It ain't to pleasant carrying 6 gallons of water and supplies on your back everytime you visit your garden, and it's that number times two with kkday. If one of us was to bail on eachother, it would be a disaster! The size of our grow right now requires 2 guys. But the reward is great so at the end of the day, I don't mind doing it guerilla style. I actually love it! But I do miss having the convenience of growing right outside my door..


Well-Known Member
You do what you have to do Dr G. And there's nothing like having a Partnero to be along on the ride with you. God knows what I would have done the last year without my Old Part's, and friend. If you want something enough you will get it, one day you will return


Well-Known Member
It's just about 11am Sunday morgen, just been out to check the lasses in the potting shed. Took 7 Headband clones last night that are still nice and perky this morning. The wife is going to get he rhair cut, I am going ot go for a shmokey at the coffeeshop. Yah!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahaha! sounds like a good deal to me:clap: take a puff for me bru:cool: I'm off to hit the sack. :sleep: thx all for stopping by and viewing, even the lurkers!! later gang!!


Well-Known Member
let me know how it smokes CPH, tell me if that MN tastes like grapes,, or blackberries!! :weed::hump:

oh yeah, one more thing. I do hang them a little before they go into the bags, once again, depends on the moisture content of the plant at the given time:peace:
I'll let you know, it's the PJ that I took the sample of. They probably have less than 2 weeks left! The MN has 3 maybe 4 weeks left. I think the MN smells like black liqurish. Should be tasty!! I think the PJ smells like a tropical mixed fruit drink, and my girl said fresh cut blueberries. I don't think my smeller works right after 20 years of smoking cigs. So she's probably more acurate.:weed:

Hey Dr, CPH, I am usually hanging around 5 days, when the smaller twigs are snappable, I then snip the buds of the main branches and bag them. They are in bags for 2-3 days normally. I just turn the buds in the bags a few times a day....seems to even out the drying nicely. Gives a shout if you need any more info.

Hey Dr, did you move from that house you had at the start of your Thread? I always imagined that to be on a cliff looking over the sea, all peaceful with a small private dirt track and that lovely little private garden.....and you ain't there now:wall:. Did I miss the move or something:-o. You got to give me a new image to keep in my mind of how chilled it is on the Island bru....it's a nice place I go when I am stoned!!! And now you is in a non420 friendly zone. Big Baws to that. Hope it works out for you.

Peace man,

Thanks for the info guys! They seem good this morning, by the way you're talking I should have hung them for another day or 2, but I didn't like where I had them hanging. I'll make sure to check on them regularly to avoid any problems.

Dr. You're 5 hrs behind me. When you said it was 11:23 pm it was 4:23 am here. And DST you're 6 hours ahead. It was 5 in the morn when you said 11 am.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Are you on the East Coast of the US, CPH? That would make sense I suppose. I always start my bag with them being wid eopen. A fan blowing into them if possible. Then after a day start to close the bag slightly, until eventually the bag is pretty much closed....


Well-Known Member
Not really the east coast, but the Eastern time zone. I live on the south west coast of Lake Eire in the Black Swamp. ;)


Well-Known Member
Thanks DST it is a nice place to live. Most of my family have been farmers in the area since they came from Germany in the early 1800's.

Can you try the pics again Doc? Not showing for me.