Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahaha! I highly suggest when you have time, read all 5 gazillion posts! :lol: it's powerpacked with information and loaded with pics.!!:eyesmoke: for real though, you should read it. and don't feel to bad, even my partner kkday don't follow my journal:( I'll tell him shit about green harvest and helicopters and shit and he say's I'm paranoid:rolleyes:...I'm like dude, have you even been following my journal or what?! it's all in there!!! :cuss: but yeah, it's a fuckin' long journal:mrgreen:what up cracker and DST:cool: good to see y'all

anyways bro, welcome aboard the zion express TTT....:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Like the Zion Train bru, some real cool Bob Marley images and artwork in that video as well!!! I likes it.

So Dr G, when you and kkday feeding the masses with more pics of yer MOG?
Check ya later,


Well-Known Member
Dst somthings telling me in a few days.

Greenharvest don't fly too much on this island, not like other places. But then againe it only takes one fly over. The whole thing about growing gurilla is safety cuz no one knows who's plants they are. But these fuckerz in Hawaii will watch the crops from another valley to catch the growers fucked up cops! Maybe we shuld wear bandanas over our faces. Somthing to think about


Well-Known Member
When you approach the girls, do you take precautions (i.e leave your bags of nutes and goodies away from the grow before making sure it's all clear? That way if there are sneaky boar waiting to grab you, you can then just say it was an innocent walk by.....

I pulled one of my mango's today, it got man bits on it for sure. It's sitting next to me in my office now. Jsut wondering what to do with it. I hate killing plants, such a shame.

Will keep stopping by to check for updates guys. Happy growing in paradise.



New Member
I'm guessing that you guys have planted in an area which is heavy in herbaceous plants, as opposed to strictly trees.

FLIR technology has great difficulty picking weed out amongst herbaceous material.
I don't think fly overs are really a concern, unless
a.) They actually pick up ur heat sig at the grow (bad timing)
b.) Ur growing in an area that doesn't have much other plant life around (hard to believe in Hawaii).
c.) Ur growing acres of the stuff

Trespassing & thieves is ur biggest worry....IMHO.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yeah, so far so good at this spot. there's helicopters that come pretty close but they are on a fixed flight path,.... well that's what we like to believe anyways:lol:

and like I mentioned way back in this journal, hope for the best but prepare for the worse. that's why I'm still walking the streeets a free man. the big bust that happened a few years back in kauai, I knew those dudes. the biggest marijuana bust in HI I believe..here's the story.....http://www.kitv.com/news/14046648/detail.html ......coulda been me:leaf:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
haha, fuck helicopters, i recently had a bit of an experience that first made me go all cokcokcocockocockFUCK but now i'm just smiling thinking HAHAHAHA they're dumb :P

i will try and get around to reading those few unread posts during the weekend tomorrow :) maybe. chances are i'm gonna be too hungover to lift a finger or raise an eyelid


Well-Known Member
"At one point, officers saw several of the defendants even smoking their harvested marijuana during their breaks from their labors," Kubo said.

:shock::shock::shock:---the audacity!!!

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
I know yeah? lol:rolleyes: they were smoking marijuana cigarettes, reefer! how awful!!lol lord only knows if they were up to some santeria hocus pocus....
.....by the way, we harvested again today:D a few mangoes and a few haleys:cool:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:leaf:.....some pics.....:leaf:


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Appreciate all the kind words gang, gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside:D

These plants are so sticky! I had resin all over my fingers from just pulling fan leaves, it was crazy! Mahalo for all the support and rep! One love gang:hug: