Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
i remember going to a place there called sharks cove a long time ago and snorkeling for hours.
My man grew up near Shark's Cove. :hump: He wants to take me there someday.

OMG....Did I need to be reminded of how old I am? :shock: (I grew up with older brothers and sisters in the hippie era)
LOL, I confess...I DIG the music
LOL! Dig it? Hell, I covered that song for years, up till I retired last year... and believe you me, I funkin' dug it each time I sang it! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Whoa... how'd I miss this one?! :o

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to get through this thing called Life. Electric word, life, it means "forever" and that's a mighty long time. And I'm here to tell you, there's something else... the after world. A world of neverending happiness, you can always see the sun. Day, or night. So when you call up that shrink in Beverly Hills (you know the one: Dr. Everything Gonna Be All Right)... instead of asking him how much of your time is left, ask how much of your mind, baby. Cause in this life, things are much harder than the after world. In this life, you're on your own!

(Guitar starts to rip... WOO HOO!)

Wonder how much of that I still have down... I didn't look up the lyrics and I've got no audio with YT vids unless I download them first... it's just playing in my head now. :bigjoint:

I hear kids referring to this stuff as "classic" now... yeah, I'm feeling pretty damn old! :lol:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahaha! I used to love that song also. reminds me of when I was 5th grade :shock:

and HI is going off. some serious fireworks!! pretty awesome


Well-Known Member
Gunshots going off on my block. Lots and lots of 'em.

Oh, and now here come the myriad of sirens.

Happy New Year, eh? :lol:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
hahahah! sounds like a frickin' war zone over here! bombs going off every few seconds and then car alarms getting set off, happy new year:lol:


Well-Known Member
My poor dogs were so upset, pacing and crying. Missy is already an anxious girl, so she doesn't take gunshots and sirens well in the least. So my "ringing in the new year" consists of calming and comforting them. LOL!

I really really hope we get that house... quiet neighborhood with no gang bangers to be seen, no police or fire stations a block away! (We've got both right by us now.) Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Hope for the best, prepare of the worst! (As I click my heels together like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz. lol)

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
ohhh, tell me about! once upon a time, when I used to live in beautiful kaua'i:cry: I had a pack of dogs. and whenever it was new years or 4th of july, it would never fail, at least 1 would run away and dig out. was living in a 2 story house and my dog would launch out the 2nd floor window just to run away. nutz! landed right on her face, popped right back up and proceeded to mow down the fence and hightail outta the place! they'd always come back though, memories man:D

...and I really hope you get that house too. sounds like an awesome place, I'll be rooting for ya!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's a good thing for my dogs that I'm not able to get out much. They've always got me on New Year's, 4th of July, etc.

I remember about ten or so years ago, my next door neighbors' dog would always get out of her yard and go straight for my front porch on nights like this. My girlfriend learned shortly after moving in that when she got home from the parties, Shadow would be at Kat's house. Poor creatures just want to escape the ruckus, be comforted, or both.

The house is a fixer-upper, but it would be ours! And we do like the layout, almost as much as the neighborhood. It'll take a good five to ten years to get it fixed up the way we want, but it'd still be a hell of a lot better than where we are now. :D (And we're both starting to get our hopes up in spite of our attempts otherwise. lol)

Ever have those times when you know you should go to bed, but you just don't wanna? :lol: What I really want is to go out to the spa, but I do NOT want to get out of it... too freaking cold! Oh well, I've got some trimming to do in the afternoon/evening, so the spa will be definitely waiting for me after that... and it should be a tad less cold than it is now. (Bright side Kat, bright side! lol)


Well-Known Member
You gotta love animals, after all, what are we?:shock:

All the best for 2010 folks - good riddance to the noughties.lol


Well-Known Member
First: Happy New Year to all!
Second: To Kat. Im sending posative vibes your way on the house. It may be a fixer upper but not a damn thing is wrong with that. It may seem like a daunting task but it will be so worth it when it all done. I got my first house a few years back had that for 3 years and sold it for a nice profit. Got a new place that needed some work also. I started in the basement finishing that how I wanted it. Nice entertainment area nice grow set up etc. Then I just tackled one room at a time till I was done. It turned out great and I was really happy in the house. On a side note I got the chance to mave back to Hawaii like 2 months after I finished everything so I didnt get to enjoy it much lol. So rented it out and now im renting a town house here in hawaii so full circle lol. Best to you in everything you do.


Well-Known Member
What up peep's.
A very happy new yew to all.
Damn this thread blew up after I left last night.
And I am still a big prince fan. People trip ouy.
I am almost 6,3" bearded and lot's of tat's. Not a freindly looking person IMO.
But I will be cruisin my V dub bus. Rockin out to Prince or Elton john. LMAO
And then bam!! Her come's the Carcass or Slayer. My moxed CD's confuse the hell out of people.
Here is another of my favorite song's.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
morning gang bongsmilie happy 2010! I'm getting baked :eyesmoke: awsome song boss. reminds me of the lovely camille velasco from american idol;)



Active Member
Happy New Year !!!

Just got done weighing da three stooges Doc, She passed legal limit :mrgreen:

Made some baggies up for da Ohana as Christmas presents, now back down to a safe amount. They gonna start calling me uncle widow LOL

You gotta try some of this Jack Flash it Grew amazing here and TOTALLY fucks up your mind and body awesome High !!!:joint: